Even the rain came in orchestrated rhythm
Lightning lit the skies in brilliant streaks
It gave a surging rise to my heart
Resounding and rippling without frontier
The wind ran as if it has been restrained for a time
A strange song, howling yearned for a melody
Carnage ensued, trees writhing and flailing
Groans of pain carried away by the wind
An impenetrable salvo of bullets
Livid black clouds reared up like a cobra
Lightning mercilessly onto the pitiful scene
Cut through the sky not unlike burning venom
Storms brewed on the cold horizon
The noon darkness and damp-smelling air
As thunder rumbled in the distance
Bolts of lightning cracked the sky
Jagged flashes of pure light cast a glow
Amidst the wind unleashing a torrent of its own
The trees bend and moan in wrath
More wicked than any in living memory
Destroying everything, avenging the forgotten

Beautiful poem.. very original.
Thank you, bro. Post your poetry as well.
galing talaga!
Thank you Sir @long888
You're very talented @diosarich, keep sharing and we inspired by your works.
Thank you, Sis. I am so elated. That is my only contribution to inspire everyone.
Nice! Love ko yong last Stanza "The trees bend..."
It's like a woman who is excruciatingly in pain.
Another winning piece sister.
Thank you, sister.. I am waiting for your piece as well.
Isa na nmang obra maestra galing sa isang magandang binibini!