Embroiders on Dry Leaves Artist, Laura Dalla Vecchia - Club100
Hi Art Lovers, I will tell you about the Brazilian artist Laura Dalla Vecchia, who embroiders on dry leaves. I think she is the artist who uses the most unusual canvases. A dry leaf may be all we need to create magnificent works, I love this eco-friendly and anti-consumerist idea :)
The artist stopped embroidering on fabric 3 years ago when she couldn't find the material on Amazon. She started to search for new materials for embroidery. She tried embroidering on dry leaves and liked the result very much.
Over time, she improved herself as she practiced. I think it is enough to go for a walk for canvas needs and of course, eyes should be on the ground.
Birds are her inspiration. She loves the birds of her country Brazil and embroiders them. Laura says Brazilian birds are intelligent, dance, and have wonderful colors. She embroiders the birds as if they were real. The vibrancy of the colors looks amazing. It also adds depth to embroidery with light and shadow effects.
Laura also adds twigs on which birds perch. Together with the twigs, the work looks much more pleasant and realistic. Here is the 3-d I was looking for :D
She is an artist who not only loves birds but also has knowledge about them. She also shares information about the breeds, sizes, and foods of birds.
She embroidered many bird species such as parrots, owls, hummingbird and canaries. On her Instagram account, she added a description of the birds, especially the breed, for each of her works. The colors are marvelously vibrant. The patterns on the wings of the birds are embroidered with a magnificent mastery.
Some tree leaves make it difficult to embroider and can be easily torn. The artist says that in such cases his work is prolonged and starts again. Laura also tries to draw attention to endangered birds by embroidering them. The artist embroiders the birds as they sing, rest, and court their couple.
As leaves, many different types of leaves are used, such as Cinnamon tree leaves. Each and every piece of work includes a lot of labor and they all look amazing. I would like to buy them all :))

I add her instagram and website to review and buy Laura's works :) If you buy one of her works, write in the comments, I wonder which one you choose. Because it is so hard for me to choose one of them :)
What a genius of this artist.
It never ceases to amaze me how artists develop their creative potential, resembling the ultimate artist.
I love his message to raise awareness of the danger these birds are in.
Thank you @serap for making these wonderful artists known.
I give you an aquarium that my granddaughter made me with the technique of the numbers that you explained to me. thank you thousand
I totally agree with you, the creativity of artists is fascinating. Thank you very much for reading my post. I loved the fish that your granddaughter drew, it's an amazing and colorful aquarium :) It makes me very happy to receive such feedback :)
I'm glad you like it, she's 7 years old, she left me four pages full of fish.
I explained to her twice and it amazes me that she developed her own style, she likes the fish squarer towards her mouth. Ha ha ha.
It's definitely impressive that she created her own style and I really liked it :) I am sure that she will show this technique to her friends and these fish will swim and jump in their notebooks :))
Her works are so beautiful and delicate, I loved them!
Thank you very much for sharing.
I agree with you, her works are both great and delicate so I think she is doing an amazing job. Thanks for reading my post :)
You're welcome!
Hi dear,
This is the first time I've seen something like this. This is really great. And amazing. I had heard about embroidering that they are a design made on fabric. But Laura does it on dry leaves. How great is this ability of hers ..? Of course if she had the fabric to embroider I think she would never have come up with such an idea.
She lacks the material needed for embroidering, so she finds another material to do it. It is a dry leaf. It is in these such a difficult times that people come up with good ideas. Laura's new embroidery is a good example of this.
I totally agree with you that sometimes tough times bring out our creativity and great things can happen. She really has great talent because the dry leaf is a material that breaks quite easily.
For this reason, we should not lower our mood when things go badly. Maybe this negativity is an opportunity and we should think that we can achieve better things :)
Çok yaratıcı bir fikirmiş. Söylediğiniz gibi çevreci olmasının yanı sıra ekonomik de 😅 Kuru yaprak dağılır gibi düşünmüştüm ama yapan yapıyor işte 🤣
Evet bence de çok sıra dışı bir malzeme. Ekonomik olması da dediğinin gibi bir diğer büyük avantaj :D Açıkcası ben de çok şaşırdım yaprakların dağılmamasına ve kesinlikle zor bir işçilik yaptığı.
Hello, the Brazilians really do an excellent job, my respects.
Thanks for showing us that kind of art.
Best regards.
Many blessings.🙏🏻
Hi, I agree with you, this art looks so cool :) Thank you for your attention :)
Hello. Interesting work, I liked it. I'm nominating your post for a contest. #wox-bestpick
Hi dear @irinal, I am happy about your nomination, thanks for your nice words :)
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#wox-bestpick of the day goes to @serap
This post is nominated by @irinal
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