The story while eating on the way to dumai
bismillahir rahmanir Rahim ..Peace be with my friends who I love, I hope you are all well, see you again on this occasion tonight I want to share a few of our pictures.
Those who are heading to Malaysia may Allah give us the best way because we went to seek sustenance for daily needs for our children but the taste is very bitter for us. Died beloved family..
We left because we had to, not that we didn't love the family, but on the contrary, God, show us the way of our halal sustenance for our children..This is enough for the story because it is still on the way to Dumai..Thank you very much for all friends.
It is difficult to leave behind everything that has been built, but the changes are good, I hope you find the best path and everything is for the best!
Greetings and Blessings.
Amen thank you for everything