WOX Statistics, 20-26.04.2022.
Hello, community!
It's been a week, which means it's time to take a look at our success in the Power Up process.
For analysis, I take a period of 7 days from April 20, 2022 to April 26, 2022. Statistics are collected using https://sir.steemcryptic.me/.
There were 713 posts in the WOX community this week, 25 posts less than last week.
The rating of the most active authors looks like this:

Power Up
Now let's look at the ranking of community members who sent the most STEEM to Power Up in a week (please note that the rating is made up all active authors of the last week, ie 257 authors who have published at least one post):
This week I took 6th place.
In total, this week the WOX community made a Power Up of 13925,430 STEEM, which is 12103,888 STEEM less than last week.
Цього разу все моє застрягло на внутрішній біржі, курс надто невигідний😏
Мої ордери теж висять :) Вночі курс SBD рванув, може підтягнеться і співвідношення STEEM/SBD стане більш прийнятним.
splendid information to keep the statistics of the community up to date!, greetings.
Thank you!
Thanks for sharing stats