Photo of the week #53 | Submissions post | Night city
Hi everybody! Всем привет! Hola a todos! Bonjour à tous! Hallo allerseits! Поздрав свима!

p r e s e n t s
Photo of the week #53
Dear steemians
When the sun hides behind the horizon, everything around us plunges into darkness. Life calms down, everyone is getting ready for bed. But a big city has its own laws, with the arrival of night there begins its own unique, nightlife.
We are sure you have interestng photos of the Night city. Share with us!

Well... theme of next week is -Night city- in any form!
Of course, you can post photos on any topic, but theme of the -The Night city- will take priority

For now, let's pick the winners. Many of you have sent us very beautiful photographs. But we want to remind you that the theme of the round was the road. Not a street, not a park, but a road!
Congratulations to @tianageo, who got the most upvotes.
Charming plot, charming model, charming photo.
Prize is 2 Steem!

Now the time has come to reward the authors whose photos were included in the top of the favorits. The first one is... is... is... @xaviduran
This photo is exactly what we wanted to see in this round.
Prize is 3.5 Steem!

Road to nowhere
Silver is going to @silviadiez
2.5 steem
The road to the lighthouse ... it's very romantic!

Road to the lighthouse
Three pillars of photographic art divide bronze into equal parts
4.5 steem goes to three participants at once

The Road to Kazbek

an ordinary wet road at St.Petersburg, during one of the August evenings

Пусть будет такая дорога
The participants listed below receive $teeM 1 each:



The participants listed below receive $teeM 0.5 each:
That,s all for today my dear! Unfortunately, nothing else caught our attention :-(
Please, be more active friends! More creativity, more imagination!
Competition start on 16 of September and ends on 23 of September (payout time)
The basic rules:
- Upvote, Resteem the initial post or Update post
- Use only your own photos! Any attempt to steal other's work is considered a serious infraction, we will cancel yours qualification permanently
- Add photo to initial post. The photo can be on any topic, of any quality. No restrictions (except violence and porn)
- A participant cannot upvote his own photo

Sponsors! We need your support!
Please support this challenge!
Stand by

Sincerely yours
...дороги, которые мы выбираем...
до боли знакомая картинка @rut-ru ))
ночной Севастополь, Матросский бульвар...хочу туда вернуться :)
it was a great week and prompt. a lot of intresting roads to cool places all over the world. and, personally, I dont feel ashamed at all, to stand between @axeman and @boddhisattva! 😎
my entry for the next week will follow soon.
"description not necessary" :D
Тебя надо вне конкурса. Всех распугаешь
Che, takoy strashniy???? :D
Уже… глянула и подумала, ну нафиг, когда тут ТАКОЕ!!!
Не бойса птычка. Давай фотку
Oh this is carzy!!! So emotional.
I can't win this week competition:))@axeman
Невероятное фото!
great shot!
Спасибо за приз и продолжение следует)
from Sarajevo,Bosnia :)
Спасибо за приз!
Моя фотография для этой недели. Летняя лунная ночь на Москва-реке:
Hola amigos.Felicidades a los ganadores
Saludos @mister-omortson
El reflejo extraordinario de una realidad que nos compartes @javima, excelente.
Agradecida siempre mi querida @sacra97.Un abrazo.
First of all, thank you for your constant support. At this rate, the WORLD OF XPILAR community will become a community of whales :)
Today I chose the following photo:
цветовой баланс неправильный. так камера видит, а не вы. ээ?
Я не фотограф. Может и камера. Фотографию делал дешевым фотоаппаратом, когда был в командировке.
Зато фото мне нравится.
"не фотограф." <- а. ну ясно тогда, без завышенных требований. в таком свете оно у камер само получается, от света ламп. чтобы выглядело по-другому, без этой желто-рыжины, темно-синим и фиолетовым, приходится стараться руками. удачи в конкурсе!
Спасибо за пожелание и небольшой ликбез.
Congratulations @xaviduran
Hola dejo mi participación Ciudad de Panamá vista desde mi balcon
Hermosa vista nos regalas amiga @naylet.
Estupenda vista
That how looks like Panama at night!