Photo of the week #200 | contest post | Anniversary 200
Hi everybody! Всем привет! Hola a todos! Bonjour à tous! Hallo allerseits! Поздрав свима!

p r e s e n t s
Photo of the week #200
Dear photo lovers
Time flies like an arrow fired from a bow. Before we knew it, 200 weeks had passed since the first release!
This week we invite you to share your photo that you think is the best. Perhaps some photo is important to you and reminds you of something good. Share it with us! Let us repeat once again, the topic of the photo is not important!
The theme of the week might look like this:

Like that:

or something like that

So... theme of next week is Anniversary 200 in any form!
Of course, you can post photos on any topic, but theme of the Anniversary 200 will take priority
Аnd... as usually, the most expressive and original photographs win!
We would like to warn participants. Here is the most pretentious and subjective jury!
Well am-m-m... now, let's pick the winners. what did we get last week?
We strongly encourage you to vote for your favorite photos!
Congratulations to @sacra97, who got most of upvote ($0.00)
Prize is 1 Steem!

Now the time has come to reward the authors whose photos were included in the top of the favorits.
The first one is... is... is... @none
It is exactly what we wanted to see in this round!
Prize is 1.5 Steem + trail upvote of @Xpilar

Silver is going to @eto-ka
1.25 steem + trail upvote of @Xpilar

Bronze is going to @may2015
1 steem + trail upvote of @Xpilar

0.25 steem + trail upvote of @Xpilar
to @rut-ru

0.25 steem + trail upvote of @Xpilar
to @barski

WOX-bonus-trail is going to
The participants listed below receive HM+trail upvote of @Xpilar:
That,s all for today. Nothing else caught our attention :-(
Competition start on 10 of 11 and ends on 17 of 11 (payout time)
The basic rules:
- Upvote, Resteem the initial post or Update post
- Use only your own photos! Any attempt to steal other's work is considered a serious infraction, we will cancel yours qualification permanently
- Add photo to initial post. The photo can be on any topic, of any quality. No restrictions (except violence and porn)
- A participant cannot upvote his own photo

Sponsors! We need your HELP!
Stand by

Sincerely yours
This is one of the best photo challenges on the blockchain, I wish more energy to the Jury and more judging activity from all participants, more cool topics for the future issues, and also support from curators to the entries.
Happy 200th week anniversary. I am sure there will be many more to come.
My entry:
Да, время летит - уже 200! Процветания, добра и мира!
Ну а я к вам почему-то с Белочкой в осенней шубке)
Thank you very much and congratulations to the winners. happy 200th anniversary
праздновать, так праздновать, откупориваю монокль среди ночи, высовываюсь в форточку и стреляю ... с Юбилеем, однако :-))
Very cool! - Eto gazovaya plita ?
нет, это уличные фонари, светофоры и огни машин )))
Muy interesante, me gusta el color
Muchas gracias )
I congratulate everyone on the anniversary and offer these photos as a festive salute :)
Wau, eto prosto kosmi4eskoe foto!
Thank you for the prize and my congratulations on the round date!
It is very difficult to choose a photograph from many hundreds of photographs and designate it as the best, but if we talk about random photographs, where the events were not predicted, and it was not staged and there is some dynamics in it, then, perhaps, the photograph that I took in an abandoned park at the moment when the sun dazzlingly flashed over the old stairs along which a man was descending, as if coming out of this flash, can be designated as one of the best shots.

Спасибо за бронзу!
Для нового этапа:
Hi @mister-omortson