U - for udder!

in WORLD OF XPILAR4 months ago (edited)


In this post I'd like to play a riddle game with you - do you agree?
are you up to this? ok, then tell me your guesses: what could it be.


(A hint: no, it's not macro... quite the opposite! and, it has something to do with architecture).


One more hint, maybe... it is something starting with the letter 'U' - an udder, maybe?


Today I participate in WoX photo contest with this intresting architecture-tasting week topic: 'Underground.
More details on the contest here:
Its impossible to resist the temptation to find something... unusual. Especially for this week, I shoot one of the most, er.... exclusively-looking and unusual (by design) station of St.Petersburg underground.


By the moment you scrolled my post here probably you've got the idea - why is it so.


U is for Underground, thats true.... but U is for Udder, as well! lol.

The story behind it, in brief. This Tube station is old - it was built and launched during the soviet epoch, back in 1961. The station got its name - "Gorkovskaya" - in memory of the fact that the great Russian proletarian writer Maxim Gorky lived nearby from 1914 to 1921; one of the neighboring streets bore his name from 1932 to 1991. The city grew, the passenger flow of visitors too, the station could no longer cope with them, and in 2009 it was rebuilt. This can be called "modernization", but in fact, the ground building and the entrance to the station were simply demolished, and a new building was built in its place - with a "modern" design ... which has nothing to do with the writer Maxim Gorky. From the outside, the building most closely resembles a flying saucer, lol. And inside the station, the back side of the upper "saucer" of a strange pink color was dotted with some Martian craters. People gave it a caustic nickname ... you probably already guessed what it was? UDDER!!!

Станция "Горьковская" была построена еще при Хрущеве, в 1961 году, и помнит Гагарина. Свое название она получила в память о том, что поблизости от этого места в 1914—1921 годах жил великий русский пролетарский писатель Максим Горький; в 1932 — 1991 годах его имя носила одна из соседних улиц, Кронверкский проспект. Шли годы, город рос, пассажиро-потоки посетителей не отставали, и в какой-то момент станция перестала с ними справляться, потребовалось расширить пропускную способность. В 2009 году она была перестроена. Это можно назвать "модернизацией", но на самом деле наземное здание и вход на станцию просто-напросто снесли, и построили новое здание с "современным" дизайном... который к писателю Максиму Горькому, как вы понимаете, не имеет никакого отношения. Снаружи здание больше всего напоминает летающую тарелку, лол. А внутри станции, изнаночная сторона верхней "тарелки" странного розового цвета была утыкана какими-то марсианскими кратерами. Народ дал ей язвительное прозвище... вы наверное уже догадались, какое? ВЫМЯ!!!

I added a #monochrome shot for another nice WoX contest.


100% SP (manual translation to SP)

Thank you to all curators for support!!!

 4 months ago 

Great work!
This article is now being scheduled for featuring on our WOX channel on Telegram, https://t.me/woxchannel.

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Nice Pic!

 3 months ago 

You are very kind, thank you!

 3 months ago 

You are very kind, thank you!

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