Making space for the little things that matter.

in WORLD OF XPILAR5 days ago


It’s been a pretty great weekend!! Not a massively eventful, noteworthy or life changing kind of weekend, but a decent one. A better one. Honestly that’s enough and more than I had anticipated earlier in the week. I’ve been reminding myself a little more lately to be a lot more patient with my heart and soul and my “general progress”. It’s been a crazy month and I have been through a lot so I figure I deserve to just “be” - even for a little bit.

I kicked off with a bit of a crazy Friday night - and by crazy I mean we ate leftovers, I probably drank one too many glasses of wine and I kicked on some old tunes which I have not listened to in a few years. Actually it was my old shop playlist. All the music we used to play in the shop on a daily basis. So yes, as you can tell - totally out of control I was haha!


We tend to forget that… How to be patient with ourselves. We get stuck in these emotional ruts, playing the same exhausted (mostly negative, or self defeatest) thoughts over and over in our minds, until we’re sulking more than we’re smiling. And yes, I’ve done my fair share of sulking lately too, haha! But this weekend, I decided I’d had enough of that. So, I invited the family over for dinner. Company is an awesomely effective distraction from your own mind, and last night, it was exactly what I needed. A few hours with good food, giggles, and a table of people that care about you and pull you right out of your own head. It reminds you how much happiness there is to be found when you just force yourself to “get over yourself”, lol.


I also noted that I have not really been baking much lately - well, not as much as I usually do… and I have no idea why, because making dough is like therapy for me. I absolutely love it - you know…the repetitiveness of all the stretching and folding that grounds me… kinda like washing the dishes! (Not that I do any of that anymore… because YAY to dishwashers haha) Anyhooo, I decided to snap out of it and got two batches of dough on the go yesterday, somewhere between prepping our lamb knuckle stew for dinner. And today? Four dough balls are going strong. The locals here in the village have started moaning at me about the lack of bread lately…haha! At least I know it’s appreciated.


And now, here we are…Sunday afternoon. A little quieter and a lot slower than all the other days of the week tend to be. We spend so much time racing around like headless chickens, ticking off lists, and trying to keep up, that we forget how good it feels to just be. To actually taste our food, hear the birds, feel the sun. Sundays remind me that slowing down isn’t always about wasting time, it’s making space. Space for the things that matter. The things that fill us up, make us feel human again. A slow walk, some time in the garden… making some dough, staring out into nothingness…a good book… basically whatever makes your heart happy.

Soooo I hope you are all enjoying your weekends - whatever you are up to! And here’s to a good week ahead for us all!

I am off to go muck about in the garden!


Until next time...
Much Love from Country Bumpkinland, South Africa xxx

Typos make me human. I may or may not get around to correcting them.

All written content shared here is my property, unless otherwise credited

 5 days ago 

It's important to remind ourselves that sometimes the simplest things can bring us the greatest satisfaction. Continue to take care of yourself and find time for the things that make you happy. I wish you a successful week and many more such peaceful and energizing moments! :)

Thanks @charter <3 I appreciate your kind words... and yes - being kind to myself as well as putting myself first for a change is definitely top of my agenda at the moment!

Wishing you a fantastical week ahead as well! xxx

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Curated by : chant

 5 days ago 

It looks like you've had a very balanced weekend and seem relaxed. I'm not typically a bread eater, but that bread is very attractive i don't even wanna imagine the smell of fresh bread in your household cuz it opens my appetite :)

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