The Diary Game -Día: JUEVES 06-08-2020. Galletas

Fondo de la imagen de David Schwarzenberg en Pixabay

Hola, de nuevo! Hoy es jueves y ya casi es viernes! Se termina la semana. Wao! ¿Acaso no pasan rápido los días?

Después de disfrutar la mitad de mi café y compartir unos momentos con mamá, me fui a sentar frente a mi computadora a revisar mi correo y los titulares de los periódicos mientras finalizaba mi café. Posterior a eso me dediqué a continuar mi trabajo de programación. Aun no logro comprender del todo el Laravue pero ya se está tomando más sentido cada día.
A las 11am fui con mi sobrina a “estirar las piernas”. Salimos a dos cuadras del edificio por unas estrellas de anís (esas que ven en la foto) son muy buenas para los problemas estomacales. Pones a hervir agua y al comenzar a bullir lanzas un par de estrellitas y esperas unos minutos y apagas el fuego y dejas enfriar. Sabe muy bien también con un poco de azúcar.
Bueno, la idea principal era llevar un poco de sol, había que aprovecharlo porque ya comenzó la época de lluvia. Llevamos nuestras mascarillas o tapabocas y guantes. Lo más insólito era ver que aunque están aumentando los casos de contagio de covid-19, aún hay personas en la calle que siguen sin cumplir las normas de seguridad. Personas de todas las edades sin mascarillas.
Supongo que deben pensar que la pandemia es solo un mito o algún invento del gobierno para controlar a la gente.
Volvimos pronto al apartamento y nos lavamos las manos y dejamos la ropa en el lavandero (un pequeño cuarto donde está la lavadora y colgamos la ropa para sacarla), al igual que los zapatos. Para evitar cualquier cosa, nunca que sabe.
Después de almorzar, continué mi labor de programación y al finalizar la tarde disfruté de unas ricas galletas (!Me las comí todas!)

Hay días que uno vive de manera automática, no es cierto? Te levantas, te aseas, vas a trabajar y vuelves cansado al final del día a ver una película en el televisor. Y todo se repite al siguiente día.
Definitivamente quiero unas vacaciones xD
Esto es todo por hoy, nuevamente muchas gracias por acompañarme hasta aquí.
Hasta mañana ^_^

Hello, again! Today is (or was?) Thursday and it's almost Friday! The week is over. Wow! Don't the days go by fast?

Today has been as active as the others, in short, routine. Although I could say I went out and bought some aniseed stars. But because this is a diary entry, I must start by saying that I got up at 5:45 am (as usual) brushed my teeth, and went to the kitchen to wait for the morning coffee to warm up.
After enjoying half my coffee and sharing a few moments with Mom, I went to sit in front of my computer to check my mail and newspaper headlines while I finished my coffee. After that, I continued with my programming work. I still don't fully understand the Laravue but it's already making more sense every day.
At 11 am I went with my niece to "stretch my legs". We went out two blocks from the building because of some aniseed stars (those you see in the picture) are very good for stomach problems. You put water to boil and when it starts to boil you throw a couple of little stars and wait a few minutes and put out the fire and let it cool down. It tastes great with a little sugar too.
Anise seed is a powerful plant that is rich in many nutrients and boasts a wide array of health benefits. It has anti-fungal, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties and may fight stomach ulcers, keep blood sugar levels in check and reduce symptoms of depression and menopause.
Well, the main idea was to bring some sun, we had to take advantage of it because the rainy season has already started. We wear our masks and gloves. The most unusual thing was to see that although the cases of COVID-19 infection are increasing, there are still people on the streets who do not comply with safety regulations. People of all ages without masks.
I guess they must think that the pandemic is just a myth or some government invention to control people.
We went back to the apartment early and washed our hands and left the clothes in the laundry room (a small room where the washing machine is and we hung the clothes up to get them out), just like the shoes. To avoid anything, we never know.
After lunch, I continued my work of programming and at the end of the afternoon I enjoyed some delicious cookies (I ate them all!)

There are days when one lives automatically, right? You get up, clean yourself up, go to work, and come back tired at the end of the day to watch a movie on the TV. And everything repeats itself the next day.
I definitely want a vacation xD
That's all for today, again thank you very much for joining me here.
See you tomorrow ^_^
Be nice, people!
¿Has probado las tip-top de chocolate y maní?
En el siguiente post lo hago, jejejej ;D