Orban Wins, Again
I guess the biggest news this weekend, barring the war, of course, was Victor Orban's re-election in Hungary. Just last week various newspapers were saying the election was on a razor's edge and either party could win with a slight edge. Nonetheless, it was virtually a landslide in favor of Orban. So the forecasts were, once again, just Western media hoping they could sway things the way they wanted them to swing, to no avail. Hungary is a very conservative country and I don't see that changing any time soon.
Now there is talk of fraud, unfairness, gerrymandering, the opposition only having 5 minutes over the campaign on national media, etc. Now I really have no idea of how things really happened as I am a world away from Hungary and have no Hungarian roots or even friends, but I would think with the EU watching this election closely from months back, that they would have tried to the best of their abilities to make it as fair as possible. I do know one of the things the West holds against Orban is that he is a friend of Putin's, has made no move to wean his country from Russian gas or oil, and will not let weapons the West sends to Ukraine to go through Hungary.
So what I see now is calls from everywhere for the EU to put some sorts of sanctions on Hungary, like withholding money that was to be given to them and even talks of ejecting them from the EU. As we know and can actually see sanctions never work, and I think you can't sanction Hungary for not wanting to intervene in the Ukraine-Russia conflict. Supposedly the EU is the most democratic group in the World.
Now, please don't think I agree with Orban, I am not even close to right-wing, and I don't believe in that many conspiracy theories he seems to believe in, but if Hungarians voted for him that is their decision. As for the EU saying there is a fraud, they said the same thing about our (Honduras) elections in 2017 but as soon as the USA said the elections were fair they backtracked what they were saying, decided to keep quiet, and BAM we had a drug dealer as President, again, thanks to the USA and EU. So you can see I actually don't have much trust in whatever the EU says.
But things are getting uglier every day, I fear one of the actors in this tragedy will overstep its bounds, be it Russia, NATO, or Ukraine, and we are going to have a war in Europe. All that was needed was for Ukraine to remain neutral, but no whatever the USA says has to be done, now we are seeing the consequences. By the way, people are trying to blame Biden, in reality, the President of the USA is just a pawn there are way more powerful people and organizations who make the decisions that impact everyone.