Just Doing Positive Activity at Pandemic Quarantine Periode [Caring for the plants]

in WORLD OF XPILAR5 years ago (edited)



There is nothing special today in the quarantine life period, aside from staying at home, activities in the afternoon see the flowers begin to bloom in the middle of the Corona Virus pandemic season.

These flowers have been around a few months ago in my house, even though we are facing a terrible to stay at home, the flowers in the yard are invulnerable to covid-19 and they bloom beautifully in this pandemic season.

Once in a while, some of the life of paper flowers in their yard, they burst happily, enjoying the weather this summer. Instead, I am and my family are trapped at home, carrying out the psycal distancing protocol set by the Government.

I wan to show you how its bloom, Here are some paper flower photography that I captured on my activity at home this afternoon, I hope My hivers friends are be fine wherever you are, stay safe and greetings from Indonesia.







Tidak ada yang istimewa hari ini di masa karantina ini, selain berdiam diri di rumah, kegiatan di sore hari melihat bunga-bunga yang mulai mekar di tengah pandemic Corona Virus ini.

Bunga ini telah ada beberapa bulan yang lalu di rumahku , meski kita sedang menghadapi wabah yang mengerikan untuk tetap berada di dalam rumah, bunga-bunga di halam rumah seakan kebal akan covid-19 dan mereka merekah dengan cantik di masa pandemic ini.

Sesekali sempat terbesit, lumayan sekali kehidupan bunga-bunga kertas di halaman rumah, mereka merekah dengan bahagia, menikmati cuaca di musim panas ini. Sebaliknya diriku dan keluarga terperangkap di rumah saja, melaksanakan psycal distancing protocol yang sudah ditetapkan oleh Pemerintah. Inilah beberapa photography bunga kertas yang saya abadikan di halaman rumah sore ini, semoga teman hivers baik-baik saja dimanapun Anda berada, stay safe dan salam hangat dari Indonesia.




 5 years ago 

thank you @ericha for showing us the beautiful pictures of flowers

My pleasure @xpilar, nice to hear you are love it ^_^

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