Stamp Collecting — as a Profession and a Treasure Hunt!
One of the ways I have been making part of my living since 1988 is as a part time dealer in rare old postage stamps for collectors.
An old stamp from Hong Kong, 1935
I was introduced to stamp collecting when I was quite young, and in time it became a life-long hobby, as well as a way to make a little extra money.
At one point, stamp collecting was actually one of the most popular collecting hobbies in the world! After all, you could get the "raw materials" for a collection in the post, every single day. Well, at least back in the days before email...
A Swiss stamp from the 1800s
Of course, it is somewhat of a leap from being a stamp collector to being a stamp dealer. In my case, it was somewhat born out of necessity... I didn't really have any money to build a stamp collection beyond the very basics, but I soon enough learned that I could buy messy "estate lots," sort them out and remove what I wanted for my own collection, and then sell the leftovers and hopefully recover most of the amount I had originally spent.
It became more of "a thing" for me when I developed some expertise and discovered that I was able to pick out items for my own collection, then reorganize the mess, and then actually make a profit from selling the leftovers!
Following this approach allowed me to have a nice sideline income for many years and build quite a respectable stamp collection in the process. Unfortunately, it has not been a lasting proposition.
A fairly recent stamp from Iceland
The decline in stamp collecting over the past wo decades hasn't so much been due to a lack of interest so much as to the fact that fewer and fewer people are actually exposed to stamps on letters, on a daily basis. What that means is that fewer kids take up the hobby at a young age — as I did — these days, so most new entrants into stamp collecting these days are in their 40s and older, rather than under 12.
But the hobby continues on, just on a somewhat smaller scale than it once did... when an estimated 30 million people in the USA along collected stamps.
An old US stamp from the 1800s
What has always appealed to me the most about being a stamp collector/dealer is the "treasure hunt" aspect involved in buying "box lots" that typically represent something that was stored away in a closet or attic when someone moves or dies.
You just never know what you're going to find! And occasionally, you can find a rarity or two. In the almost 25 years I have now been a stamp seller on eBay, the most valuable item I have handled sold for $2,026 in an eBay auction! Not bad for a piece of paper the size of a small sticker!
Mostly, though, I just do it for the fun!
Thanks for stopping by, and have a great week!
How about YOU? Have you ever collected stamps? Do you collect something else? Or are collecting hobbies just not interesting to you? Do leave a comment — share your experiences — be part of the conversation!
(All text and images by the author, unless otherwise credited. This is ORIGINAL CONTENT, created expressly for this platform — NOT A CROSSPOST!!!)
Created at 20220228 23:58 PST
@denmarkguy My father used to say that one should think big from a young age, he was not an amateur like you but he was entertained by collecting banknotes (money) from various countries and coins, before he died he left me several I take care of them with great affection and I am curious about this world, many cultures, wuaooo who would say a small tiny piece of paper brings you satisfaction and money, Greetings and Blessings, I hope your treasure continues to grow!!
Interestingly, it was also my father who got me interested in stamp collecting. He would bring home colorful stamps from his office and give them to me... and hoped I could learn about the geography and culture of other places by looking at them. Which I did... and am still doing, all these years later!
wow, what rare specimens!
Thank you for commenting; yes sometimes I get lucky and find something rare.