Reminiscence and Memories: Where Would You Go?
Mrs. Denmarkguy and I just finished watching the movie Reminiscence, a futuristic dystopian film in which — among other things — people can revisit their memories.
It's a good film, well worth a watch.
Anyway, afterwards I got to thinking about memories and points of reminiscence in our lives. And then I considered where/when I would go back to, if such a thing were possible. What would I want to "re-live," in an almost tangible way?
That was a difficult exercise... not so much because it was hard to choose a particular memory, but because it was hard for me to isolate any moments of my past memorable enough that I would want to go back and experience them again.
As I reflected on this, I realized that there is no shortage of moments I'd like to go back to and choose the path I didn't choose originally; but where were the amazing moments? Just not that many of them around...
As I thought some more about this, I considered whether I just had a case of "selective memory," in which I was following that natural human tendency to remember trauma more clearly than joy... but ultimately, that wasn't likely the case.
In the end, I recognized that we just need to be grateful for those epic moments we experience, because they may be few and far between!
Today's post is on the short side, but it seemed like a fairly poignant topic.
Thanks for reading, and I hope you had a good weekend!
How about YOU? Do you have specific amazing moments you wouldn't mind re-living? Do they still stand out clearly in your mind, or have they faded with time? Do leave a comment — share your experiences — be part of the conversation!
(All text and images by the author, unless otherwise credited. This is ORIGINAL CONTENT, created expressly for this platform — NOT A CROSSPOST!!!)
Created at 20210920 00:10 PDT