Hopes and Dreams vs. Reality: Sometimes the Difference is Huge!
Even when I was a teenager and young man in University, I didn't really have any great aspirations for "accomplishment" in life.
red summer poppies
It wasn't that I didn't want to "do well" for myself, but I just didn't think in terms of things like "greatness" and "conquering the world."
I was hopeful that I would be able to get a pleasant job that I would at least somewhat enjoy working at, and I was hopeful that I would get compensated well enough that I would be able to make ends meet, and put something away in savings every month.
I did, indeed, manage to get a series of pretty decent jobs... but the pay was generally disappointing. And because I managed to find myself in relationships with partners who insisted on living well beyond their means, the whole idea of "saving a little bit" every month never happened.
People talk a lot about authenticity and the importance of living authentically... or, at least, what we interpret to be our version of living authentically.
The challenge comes into play when we discover that our particular form of authenticity doesn't go very far in the world. One of the things I learned is that my particular vision of an authentic life pretty much got me "kicked off the bus."
Well, perhaps that's too literal, but I discovered that my desires were pretty far out of step, compared to the norms of the greater world... and the greater world is designed to accommodate the greater world, not "outliers" like me.
Perhaps I became the most aware of it while I was working in the IT industry... and one time I was actually asked to "leave" when I submitted that I was more interested in simply producing my best work than in being a manager.
As an old truism goes, everyone is promoted to their highest level of INcompetence.
Don't get me wrong: Life is pretty awesome! But the reality of where I am today doesn't look much like the modest hopes and dreams I once had.
Thanks for reading, and have a wonderful weekend!
How about YOU? Did you have any particular dreams about life and love, when you were young? Does your life look anything like that, today? Is there anything you wish you had done differently? Do leave a comment — share your experiences — be part of the conversation!
(All text and images by the author, unless otherwise credited. This is ORIGINAL CONTENT, created expressly for this platform — NOT A CROSSPOST!!!)
Created at 20211001 23:51 PDT
Yes I agree with your statement. Reality is always different to the way we are thinking and feeling. In most cases both parts don´t fit together. Actually the world outside is getting more stranger than our mind could imagine. I have the feeling that the reality we actually see is not real. I will never give up my dreams because some circumstances around me. Wish you all the best!
I have had dreams, always. Bigger ones and modest ones. Some of them I have been able to make come true. Some will remain dreams. And I think that's perfectly fine: they keep the mind free and open and serve as an incentive, as an outlook.
Ich habe Träume, immer gehabt. Größere und bescheidene. Einige von beiden konnte ich wahr machen. Einige werden Träume bleiben. Und das finde ich völlig in Ordnung: sie halten den Geist frei und offen und dienen als Ansporn, als Ausblick.