I'm chasing to be good and well always being saved by the bell ∘◦ ✾ ◦∘ Estoy persiguiendo ser bueno y bien siempre siendo salvado por la campanasteemCreated with Sketch.

in WORLD OF XPILAR2 years ago



I'm always keeping a close watch in keeping things better and not to get worse as it will a cause of so much danger.

Siempre vigilo de cerca para que las cosas mejoren y no empeoren, ya que será causa de mucho peligro.

There is nothing to compare with my blood being cleaned after feeling ill and toxic because it feels like more than I was recharged, it does cure me temporarily from basically feeling poisoned. That is why I am always wanting to going back and forth to my dialysis center because I am always chasing that "Clean feel" where I am getting a needed reset so that I can be able to survive until the next dialysis session.

No hay nada que se pueda comparar con la limpieza de mi sangre después de sentirme enferma y tóxica porque siento que más que recargarme, me cura temporalmente de sentirme básicamente envenenada. Es por eso que siempre quiero ir y venir a mi centro de diálisis porque siempre estoy persiguiendo esa "sensación de limpieza" donde estoy recibiendo un reinicio necesario para que pueda ser capaz de sobrevivir hasta la próxima sesión de diálisis.



There is nothing to compare the cleaning of blood and only dialysis patients can tell. The cleaning is done inside so it gives the breath a fresh tap water smell.

No hay nada que compare la limpieza de sangre y sólo los pacientes de diálisis pueden saberlo. La limpieza se realiza en el interior por lo que da el aliento un olor a agua fresca del grifo.

I remember my first dialysis sessions when the dialysis machine started to clean my blood. It has a direct effect on my breath because the smell of ammonia would dissipate and getting replaced by this peculiar smell of chlorinated tap water which is coming right out from the faucet. I am always chasing and waiting to experience that over and over again. That is why I learned to minimize my protein consumption because it intensifies the nauseating ammonia smell in my breath.

Recuerdo mis primeras sesiones de diálisis cuando la máquina empezó a limpiarme la sangre. Tenía un efecto directo en mi aliento porque el olor a amoniaco se disipaba y era sustituido por ese peculiar olor a agua del grifo clorada que salía directamente del grifo. Siempre estoy persiguiendo y esperando experimentar eso una y otra vez. Por eso aprendí a minimizar mi consumo de proteínas, porque intensifican el nauseabundo olor a amoniaco de mi aliento.



Consuming the protein foods are very good but for dialysis patients they have to always control and be wary or else its by-products will not make you very happy.

Consumir los alimentos proteínicos son muy buenos pero para los pacientes de diálisis tienen que controlar siempre y ser precavidos o de lo contrario sus subproductos no le harán muy feliz.

The cleaning action of the dialysis machine also clears-up my "brain fog" and it is always something weird to experience because I can only feel that I had a brain fog once it would get cleared-up once again. So it does help me with my need to think particularly with the kind of hobby/work that I am always doing which is "writing my world" in blockchain social media for the reason that it is a kind of mental therapy so that I am always preoccupied and not be bored. Then of course I also do it in order to receive rewards which soothes me as well in many ways more than one.

La acción limpiadora de la máquina de diálisis también despeja mi "niebla cerebral" y siempre es algo extraño de experimentar porque sólo puedo sentir que tenía niebla cerebral una vez que se despeja de nuevo. Así que me ayuda con mi necesidad de pensar sobre todo con el tipo de afición / trabajo que siempre estoy haciendo que es "escribir mi mundo" en los medios de comunicación social blockchain por la razón de que es una especie de terapia mental para que siempre esté preocupado y no me aburra. Por supuesto, también lo hago para recibir recompensas, lo que me alivia de muchas maneras.



Regardless of brain fog I can still blog and write but after dialysis my mind gets cleared-up.

A pesar de la niebla cerebral aún puedo bloguear y escribir, pero después de la diálisis mi mente se aclara.

Not many people are aware of the fluid removal from the body with the use of dialysis machines. It is one factor that makes the patients survive because it brings down the fluid overload and would make the patient feel better. The Kidneys are an important aspect of why organisms like humans and animals do not get bloated because their function is to balance the fluid amount in the body aside from cleaning the blood every single second. So when I am almost finished with my dialysis treatment, the relief is also incomparable particularly if you already achieved the state of the your body where almost all of the excess fluids are taken out.

No mucha gente es consciente de la eliminación de líquidos del cuerpo con el uso de máquinas de diálisis. Es un factor que hace que los pacientes sobrevivan porque reduce la sobrecarga de líquidos y hace que el paciente se sienta mejor. Los riñones son un aspecto importante de por qué los organismos como los humanos y los animales no se hinchan porque su función es equilibrar la cantidad de líquido en el cuerpo además de limpiar la sangre cada segundo. Así que cuando estoy casi terminado con mi tratamiento de diálisis, el alivio es también incomparable sobre todo si ya alcanzado el estado de la su cuerpo donde casi todo el exceso de líquidos se eliminan.



The dialysis process will get you cleared-up with you oversaturated lung. That is why you have to make sure that you are adequately wrung.

El proceso de diálisis conseguirá que te limpies con tu pulmón sobresaturado. Por eso tienes que asegurarte de que estás adecuadamente escurrido.

I just recently achieved that lower "dry weight" that I was aiming for which is why I am much feeling better compared to the former years where my lungs are always saturated with fluids that it is already affecting my sleep because most of the time I would wake-up with a racing heart and shortness of breath as if I ran or did a strenuous activity and also not knowing that it was caused by an excess water in my body. Just imagine having a fluid overload of 7 kilos or more during those past years. Now I already lowered my body weight near my real weight and that factor had gave me a better well-being and it is something that I am thanking God a million times.

Hace poco logré ese "peso seco" más bajo al que aspiraba, por lo que me siento mucho mejor en comparación con los años anteriores, en los que mis pulmones estaban siempre saturados de líquidos, lo que ya estaba afectando a mi sueño, porque la mayoría de las veces me despertaba con el corazón acelerado y con dificultad para respirar, como si corriera o realizara una actividad extenuante, sin saber que la causa era un exceso de agua en mi cuerpo. Imagínate tener una sobrecarga de líquidos de 7 kilos o más durante esos años pasados. Ahora ya bajé mi peso corporal cerca de mi peso real y ese factor me había dado un mejor bienestar y es algo que estoy agradeciendo a Dios un millón de veces.



I can now breathe much better most of the time unlike when I am like fish out of water from the former times.

Ahora puedo respirar mucho mejor la mayor parte del tiempo a diferencia de cuando estaba como pez fuera del agua de los tiempos anteriores.

I am also glad that I was able to complete my dialysis sessions after so many years of having problems with my blood pressure that kept on crashing regardless of how many extra fluid that should be taken out from my body. There are times that even after two hours my blood pressure would crash and those events would cause my dialysis quality to get affected. It is because normally the nurses would not draw anymore fluids from my body while at the same time they would make the cleaning process to a less satisfactory level of quality. In some instances I would "tap out" and ask for my blood to be returned because I could not bear the pain in my body caused by a very low blood pressure. Because of that former issue that I experienced for a long time I would always come home not getting an adequate dialysis treatment and being bloated at the same time which is the reason of my miserable disposition that I mentioned above.

También me alegro de haber podido completar mis sesiones de diálisis después de tantos años de tener problemas con mi tensión arterial, que seguía bajando a pesar de la cantidad de líquido extra que debía extraer de mi cuerpo. A veces, incluso después de dos horas, mi tensión se disparaba y eso afectaba a la calidad de la diálisis. Esto se debe a que normalmente las enfermeras no extraen más fluidos de mi cuerpo mientras que al mismo tiempo realizan el proceso de limpieza a un nivel de calidad menos satisfactorio. En algunos casos, "me salía" y pedía que me devolvieran la sangre porque no podía soportar el dolor corporal causado por una tensión arterial muy baja. Debido a este problema que experimenté durante mucho tiempo, siempre volvía a casa sin recibir un tratamiento de diálisis adecuado y estando hinchado al mismo tiempo, lo cual es la razón de mi miserable disposición que he mencionado anteriormente.



My state of well-being had improved unlike because of successful completed dialysis that I was always longing for.

Mi estado de bienestar había mejorado a diferencia de la diálisis completada con éxito que siempre había anhelado.

I was only able to solve that blood pressure crashes after I analyzed the effects of Gabapentin which has an effect of relaxing muscles which gives it a relaxing effect in the body. I used it for a long time in small doses for the reason that I want to help myself get some easement from the overall pain in my body and also to help me feel relaxed and sleep better. It is very good medicine in those categories of body problems. However I have to sacrifice those benefits because Gabapentin was indeed the number one culprit for my crashing blood pressure in the past. I just stopped taking them because it is not worth it to make my dialysis experience a bad thing that I once had feared from because of the suffering that I experienced from having a lower blood pressure that I could not tolerate. That is why I got worried that one day I will never tolerate the dialysis treatment process anymore which would lead to suffering from a lingering death and that thought had scared me a lot.

Sólo pude resolver los problemas de presión arterial después de analizar los efectos de la Gabapentina, que tiene un efecto relajante sobre los músculos del cuerpo. Lo usé durante mucho tiempo en pequeñas dosis por la razón de que quiero ayudarme a mí mismo conseguir un poco de alivio del dolor general en mi cuerpo y también para ayudarme a sentir relajado y dormir mejor. Es una medicina muy buena en esas categorías de problemas corporales. Sin embargo, tengo que sacrificar esos beneficios porque la Gabapentina fue de hecho el culpable número uno de que mi presión arterial se desplomara en el pasado. Simplemente dejé de tomarlos porque no vale la pena hacer de mi experiencia de diálisis algo malo de lo que una vez tuve miedo por el sufrimiento que experimenté por tener una presión arterial baja que no podía tolerar. Por eso me preocupaba que un día ya no pudiera tolerar el proceso de tratamiento de diálisis, lo que me llevaría a sufrir una muerte prolongada, y ese pensamiento me asustaba mucho.



My biggest long standing blood pressure problem got solved by searching the root cause of it and behold! It was my use of gabapentin was the main culprit which I never suspected that it was it.

Mi mayor problema de presión arterial de larga data se resolvió buscando la causa raíz del mismo y ¡he aquí! Era mi uso de gabapentin era el culpable principal que nunca sospeché que era él.

But now I am adequately dialyzed and achieving a clear lung after my dialysis treatment. I am also glad that my lungs had held for too long without getting so much damaged by constantly getting saturated with fluids. There is one instance that I was coughing already because my lungs are already terribly oversaturated so what I did was to ask for a bigger water removal and it just works like magic because the excess water from the lungs will be able to get pulled-out from the body. But I just regret that I had that experience because it tortured me for so many years. So later my nurses would be asking us on how many fluids that we want to be taken out and that factor had solved the problems of many patients getting upset, surprised, or disappointed after getting weighted after dialysis because they already predict the outcome and not compared before where that decision will be solely be done by the nurse's discretion.

Pero ahora estoy adecuadamente dializado y consiguiendo un pulmón limpio después de mi tratamiento de diálisis. También me alegro de que mis pulmones hayan aguantado demasiado tiempo sin dañarse tanto al saturarse constantemente de líquidos. En una ocasión ya estaba tosiendo porque mis pulmones ya estaban terriblemente sobresaturados, así que lo que hice fue pedir una mayor extracción de agua y funcionó como por arte de magia porque el exceso de agua de los pulmones pudo ser extraída del cuerpo. Pero lamento haber tenido esa experiencia porque me torturó durante muchos años. Así que más tarde mis enfermeras nos preguntaban cuántos líquidos queríamos que nos extrajeran y ese factor había resuelto los problemas de muchos pacientes que se enfadaban, sorprendían o decepcionaban después de la diálisis porque ya podían predecir el resultado y no como antes, cuando la decisión dependía únicamente de la discreción de la enfermera.



Consuming fluids is dialysis patients one big enemy but removing excess fluids is another problem to consider if you are relying in nurse's judgements because it will result in fluid removal inadequacy.

El consumo de líquidos es un gran enemigo de los pacientes en diálisis, pero la eliminación del exceso de líquidos es otro problema a tener en cuenta si se confía en el criterio de las enfermeras, ya que provocará una eliminación de líquidos inadecuada.

I still regret being like this, having the need to get cleaned and feel well temporarily after each dialysis session which is a lifetime of a struggle, being with some people that do not like you are you do not want to mingle with but you have to because you want to survive. But if only I was able to get the best care possible then it would probably not get this bad. However it went bad and worse because of some factors that I have no control. The only good thing is that at least I was able to pull myself from the lingering bad state of health and into a much better disposition with still a hope in my heart that there might be better days which is waiting for me, may God wills it for me.

Todavía me arrepiento de estar así, de tener la necesidad de asearme y sentirme bien temporalmente después de cada sesión de diálisis, que es una lucha de toda la vida, de estar con algunas personas que no te caen bien y con las que no quieres mezclarte, pero tienes que hacerlo porque quieres sobrevivir. Pero si hubiera podido recibir la mejor atención posible, probablemente no me habría ido tan mal. Sin embargo fue mal y peor debido a algunos factores que no puedo controlar. Lo único bueno es que al menos he podido salir del mal estado de salud y volver a estar mucho mejor, con la esperanza en el corazón de que vendrán días mejores, si Dios quiere.



I can never be thankful enough for what already happened despite years and years of my miserable existence. However at least now things had become better and I will not think about the past because the worst is now over.

Nunca podré estar lo suficientemente agradecido por lo que ya ha pasado a pesar de años y años de mi miserable existencia. Sin embargo, al menos ahora las cosas han mejorado y no pensaré en el pasado porque lo peor ya ha pasado.

Some people says that I am a tough nut to crack...



...but for me I am just winning for surviving.

Translated in Filipino [Taglish]

Walang maihahambing sa aking dugo na nalinis pagkatapos makaramdam ng sakit at nakakalason dahil ito ay parang higit pa sa aking na-recharge, ito ay pansamantalang nagpapagaling sa akin mula sa karaniwang pakiramdam na nalalason. Kaya nga gusto ko lagi na pabalik-balik sa dialysis center ko kasi lagi kong hinahabol yung "Clean feel" na yun kung saan kinukuha ako ng need reset para makasurvive ako hanggang sa susunod na dialysis session.

Naaalala ko ang aking mga unang sesyon ng dialysis noong nagsimulang linisin ng dialysis machine ang aking dugo. May direktang epekto ito sa aking hininga dahil ang amoy ng ammonia ay mawawala at mapapalitan ng kakaibang amoy ng chlorinated tap water na lumalabas mula mismo sa gripo. Palagi akong naghahabol at naghihintay na maranasan iyon ng paulit-ulit. Kaya naman natuto akong bawasan ang pagkonsumo ng protina dahil pinatitindi nito ang nakakasukang amoy ng ammonia sa aking hininga.

Ang pagkilos ng paglilinis ng dialysis machine ay nililinis din ang aking "utak na fog" at palaging kakaiba ang maranasan dahil mararamdaman ko lang na nagkaroon ako ng brain fog sa sandaling ito ay muling naalis. Kaya ito ay nakakatulong sa akin sa aking pangangailangan na mag-isip lalo na sa uri ng libangan/trabaho na palagi kong ginagawa na "pagsusulat ng aking mundo" sa blockchain social media sa kadahilanang ito ay isang uri ng mental therapy upang ako ay palaging abala at hindi nababato. At syempre ginagawa ko rin ito para makatanggap ng mga reward na nagpapakalma din sa akin sa maraming paraan higit sa isa.

Hindi alam ng maraming tao ang pag-alis ng likido mula sa katawan sa paggamit ng mga dialysis machine. Ito ay isang salik na nagpapahirap sa mga pasyente dahil pinababa nito ang labis na karga ng likido at magpapagaan ng pakiramdam ng pasyente. Ang Kidney ay isang mahalagang aspeto kung bakit ang mga organismo tulad ng mga tao at hayop ay hindi namamamaga dahil ang kanilang tungkulin ay balansehin ang dami ng likido sa katawan bukod sa paglilinis ng dugo bawat segundo. Kaya kapag ako ay halos tapos na sa aking dialysis treatment, ang ginhawa ay hindi rin maihahambing lalo na kung naabot mo na ang estado ng iyong katawan kung saan halos lahat ng labis na likido ay inilabas.

Kamakailan lang ay nakamit ko ang mas mababang "dry weight" na aking pinupuntirya kung kaya't mas gumaan ang pakiramdam ko kumpara sa mga nakaraang taon kung saan ang aking mga baga ay palaging puspos ng mga likido na nakakaapekto na sa aking pagtulog dahil kadalasan ay ginagawa ko. wake-up with a racing heart and shorts of breath na para akong tumakbo o gumawa ng mabigat na aktibidad at hindi ko alam na dulot pala ng sobrang tubig sa katawan ko. Isipin na lang ang pagkakaroon ng fluid overload na 7 kilo o higit pa noong mga nakaraang taon. Ngayon ay ibinaba ko na ang aking timbang sa katawan malapit sa aking tunay na timbang at ang kadahilanan na iyon ay nagbigay sa akin ng isang mas mahusay na kagalingan at ito ay isang bagay na ako ay nagpapasalamat sa Diyos ng isang milyong beses.

Natutuwa din ako na natapos ko ang aking mga sesyon ng dialysis pagkatapos ng maraming taon ng pagkakaroon ng mga problema sa aking presyon ng dugo na patuloy na bumabagsak kahit gaano pa karaming likido ang dapat ilabas sa aking katawan. May mga pagkakataon na kahit na makalipas ang dalawang oras ay bumagsak ang presyon ng aking dugo at ang mga pangyayaring iyon ay magiging sanhi ng aking kalidad ng dialysis na maapektuhan. Ito ay dahil karaniwan na ang mga nars ay hindi na kumukuha ng mga likido mula sa aking katawan habang sa parehong oras ay gagawin nila ang proseso ng paglilinis sa isang hindi gaanong kasiya-siyang antas ng kalidad. Sa ilang pagkakataon ay "tap out" ako at hihilingin na ibalik ang aking dugo dahil hindi ko na kaya ang sakit sa aking katawan na dulot ng napakababang presyon ng dugo. Dahil sa dating isyu na iyon na matagal ko nang naranasan ay lagi akong umuuwi na hindi nakakakuha ng sapat na dialysis treatment at namamamaga at the same time na siyang dahilan ng aking miserableng disposisyon na nabanggit ko sa itaas.

Na-solve ko lang iyong blood pressure crashes pagkatapos kong ma-analyze ang mga epekto ng Gabapentin na may epekto ng nakakarelax na muscles na nagbibigay ng relaxing effect sa katawan. Ginamit ko ito nang matagal sa maliliit na dosis para sa kadahilanang gusto kong tulungan ang aking sarili na mapawi ang pangkalahatang pananakit ng aking katawan at upang matulungan din akong mapahinga at makatulog nang mas maayos. Ito ay napakahusay na gamot sa mga kategoryang iyon ng mga problema sa katawan. Gayunpaman, kailangan kong isakripisyo ang mga benepisyong iyon dahil si Gabapentin talaga ang numero unong salarin sa pagbagsak ng presyon ng dugo ko noong nakaraan. Itinigil ko na lang ang mga ito dahil hindi sulit na maging masama ang karanasan ko sa dialysis na minsan ay kinatatakutan ko dahil sa pagdurusa na naranasan ko sa pagbaba ng presyon ng dugo na hindi ko kayang tiisin. Iyon ang dahilan kung bakit ako nag-alala na balang araw ay hindi ko na matitiis ang proseso ng paggamot sa dialysis na hahantong sa pagdurusa mula sa isang matagal na kamatayan at ang pag-iisip na iyon ay labis na natakot sa akin.

Ngunit ngayon ay sapat na akong na-dialyze at nakakakuha ng malinis na baga pagkatapos ng aking paggamot sa dialysis. Natutuwa din ako na ang aking mga baga ay nagtagal nang napakatagal nang hindi masyadong napinsala sa pamamagitan ng patuloy na pagkabusog ng mga likido. There is one instance that I was coughed already because my lungs is already terribly oversaturated so what I did was to ask for a bigger water removal and it just works like magic dahil ang sobrang tubig sa baga ay mabubunot mula sa ang katawan. Pero pinagsisisihan ko lang na naranasan ko iyon dahil pinahirapan ako nito sa loob ng maraming taon. Kaya mamaya tatanungin kami ng aking mga nars kung gaano karaming mga likido ang gusto naming ilabas at ang kadahilanan na iyon ay nalutas ang mga problema ng maraming mga pasyente na nabalisa, nagulat, o nabigo pagkatapos matimbang pagkatapos ng dialysis dahil hinuhulaan na nila ang resulta at hindi naihambing bago kung saan ang desisyon na iyon ay gagawin lamang sa pamamagitan ng pagpapasya ng nars.

Ikinalulungkot ko pa rin ang pagiging ganito, ang pagkakaroon ng pangangailangan na maglinis at magpagaling pansamantala pagkatapos ng bawat sesyon ng dialysis na habambuhay ng isang pakikibaka, kasama ang ilang mga tao na hindi mo gusto ay hindi mo gustong makihalubilo ngunit kailangan mong dahil gusto mong mabuhay. Ngunit kung nakuha ko lamang ang pinakamahusay na pangangalaga na posible, malamang na hindi ito magiging masama. Gayunpaman ito ay naging masama at lumala dahil sa ilang mga kadahilanan na wala akong kontrol. Ang tanging magandang bagay ay kahit papaano ay nagawa kong hilahin ang aking sarili mula sa matagal na masamang kalagayan ng kalusugan at tungo sa isang mas mabuting disposisyon na may pag-asa pa sa aking puso na maaaring may mas magandang mga araw na naghihintay para sa akin, nawa'y ibigay ito ng Diyos. para sa akin.

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