One Winter Day - A Visual Story (15 Photos)
One winter day walk at the coast of Baltic Sea in Sventoji, Lithuania. Calm Baltic See, frozen remains of old peer and overall moody weather comes into a nice combination
Category | Nature |
Camera | Canon 5D Mark II / Canon 100-400mm / Natural light |

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These photos of the Baltic Sea are spectacular! Absolute wonder! I live in Italy and I would struggle to live there because of the cold climate, but the landscape is truly something incredible
Beautiful color and soft texture!
Really wonderful!
Wow very nice
wow😍 how amazing is this😍
Hola amigo. 😊
Que bello.... Se ve genial el hielo.
simply beautiful!
Я тоже люблю Балтийское море. Оно манит своей красотой и не предсказуемостью. Шторм может начаться очень быстро.
I also love the Baltic Sea. It beckons with its beauty and unpredictability. The storm can start very quickly.
Lindas fotos @axeman excelente enfoque
Espectacular.. 😍