Art-venture Magazine No. 451 - Power Up and use #club5050

No. 451
Hello my dear Steemians and Art Fans,
Welcome back to our Magazine and we are happy to present you our 10 Visual Art users who still doing great job and posting nice work on daily basis.
Today we wanted to highlight one of our old friend Artist from USA William Syrus @william-syrus he does watercolour painting but his work always take me back into ancient Greek mythology time. The style, his characters, the way of application of watercolour and the beauty and complexity of his work. That is just amazing.
We also wanted to highlight @marcotatuajes who is the only Artist in tattoo field and his work have so much realistic features that it is difficult to imagine how it is possible to work on body as a canvas and create such beautiful work.
We welcome you all to visit those Artists displayed and leave comments under their posts.
A new Initiative of the Steemit team to reward people who Power Up with extra Upvote from @steemcurator01 and 02

Please be active and engaged, only then you will be seen. We hope that other users who posting #steemexclusive on Steemit and using this tag will be seen by @steemcurator01.
Today's selected Artist

our Supporters

#club5050 😀
Thank you, we are in!
im in to i also power upped :)
Hehe, I look at this drawing and remember my youth. I had to use similar diving equipment for descents under water (diving). The air is supplied from above through a hose. My equipment weighed over 100 kg in the air.
Nice drawing))
Buena técnica de dibujo @bambuka
De acuerdo, @arcoiris dibuja bien😀
How curious! Although I suppose the equipment would be much more modern.
Compared to the drawing, it is, of course, more modern. I have used two options. One for depths up to 80 meters, it is practically the same as in the picture. Three-bolt diving equipment is called.
The other was deep water, for diving to depths of 200 meters. There, helium breathing mixture was supplied from the surface via hoses, and the equipment was really heavy in the air (more than 100 kg)
My father was a diver too. He started his career during WW2. In that time, he still had 2 man on land actioning the air-pump...
Thank you @art-venture for always supporting my work, you are really right, it is difficult to achieve realism with the technique of taruaje, but every day I make an effort and with humility and determination to be able to make my pieces, thank you for seeing something special in my works
Thank you too @marcotatuajes, we are happy to follow your creativity and to learn more about your works and you too.
Gracias @stef1 por todo el apoyo a mi trabajo
Excelentes participaciones en este proyecto de arte-venture, felicidades a los seleccionados
Thank you for stopping by and appreciate for such nice supportive comment :)
the face tattoo image on the hand looks very nice amazing work process
Thank you for your feedback, yes that must have taken a lot of time to reach such perfection :)
Thanks@art-venture for been so supportive. Cheers
Hola a todos los stemmians , hoy quiero compartir con ustedes mi arte. Soy @riverojair1 Hago caricaturas a mano alzada en Photoshop con una tablet wacom. Aquí les dejo una muestra de mi trabajo. Imagen creada de Michael Jordan
Gracias @stef1 y @myskye por este concurso
Hi @riverojair1, but this is not a contest, that is why please do not leave your links :)
artistic soul, which is very extraordinary, a true artist, you deserve to hold that title
Thank you for stopping by and nice comment :)
Congratulations!!! What a amazing drawings!
Thank you glad you like them :)
My daughter wants to thank you for selecting her back-view-selfie photograph 😉😂👍
It is our pleasure, please send her that we were glad to her among the other Artworks :)