Testing Testnet // Perkembangan Server Witness thekitchenfairy


Hope your Sunday is awesome.

Ours is rather gloomy, been raining since yesterday, stopped only for an hour and then started again. No complaints tho as it can help contain the raging bush fires in the region, hopefully! But that could only mean, Summer is coming to an end, and that also means, it is back to school soon, and we still in the market for a car! Darn it -.- Remember our car was vandalized by unsuccessful car-thief? Gaaaah! - https://steemit.com/thealliance/@thekitchenfairy/i-offered-to-power-down-he-said-no-kampret

This won't be a long post, just a short #witness-updates!

We updated our server to 19.6 during our week-long vacation in the USA only to return to Canada updating to 19.12 :P

And thanks to my fat finger, I had to ask a trick or two on steemit.chat to other witnesses, as I could not publish my witness somehow. Lucky my husband spotted what I did not do correctly and voila. In a matter of second, I produced a block once it was good to go. So thank you to everyone who helped.

A couple of days ago the developers at Steem Inc announced on HF20 testnet and we built a test node last night using branch 20180824-testnet. While the build was fun the syncing went fairly quick.


Semoga akhir pekanmu menyenangkan.

Disini hujan tak kunjung reda, dua hari belakangan ini. Sempat sih berhenti sejam, namun terus kembali turun dan hingga detik ini belum reda juga.

Bersukur sekali dengan turunnya hujan ini karena di provinsi kami sedang dilanda kebakaran hutan. Setiap harinya kabut asap, euy, jadi susah nafas.

Semoga dengan turunnya hujan ini, meski tidak deras, namun berkepanjangan, dapat membantu para pemadam kebakaran untuk mematikan api disana sini.

Daerah di Kanada masih banyak hutannya, bak di Kalimantan deh, hutan sana sini wkwkwk. Jadi yah susah kalau dah musim panas, sering kebakaran hutan. Kalau di Indonesia sering karena tangan jahil, disini karena mulut perokok jahil, buang puntung rokok sembarangan. Eh, berarti sama aja yak hihihiii

Unggahan kali ini sih ga panjang lebar, hanya mau bikin laporan tentang perkembangan server witness-ku, yang alhamdulillah selalu update ke versi terbaru setiap versi terbaru di cetuskan, dan yang versi terbaru ini namanya versi 19.12

Tempo hari Steem Inc juga mengeluarkan contoh versi ke 20, dan siapapun diundang untuk mencoba mengetes sistem ini, yah tentunya aku ikutan cobalah

Seems to be humming along nicely. Looking forward to the next HF.

Dan sejauh ini, berjalan mulus nih. Ga sabar deh agar versi ke 20 bisa benar-benar di keluarkan agar Steemit semakin maju dan bagus buat kita semua

This is just a test for now, plan is to have this and future test nodes running on their dedicated server - we recently aquired a DL380 Dual Xeon CPU unit with 112GB RAM. It should be up and running once we increased the RAM on it to 144GB.

I think that is all for now.

Thank you for voting thekitchenfairy as your witness!

Oke deh teman, segini dulu perkembangannya yak.

Terimakasih sekali lagi buat yang sudah voting thekitchenfairy sebagai saksi-mu, dan baagi yang belum, bisa memberi vote di laman ini https://steemit.com/~witnesses Pada kolom yang tersedia, ketik thekitchenfairy dan klik VOTE :)

VOTE me as your witness at https://steemit.com/~witnesses. On the provided box, type thekitchenfairy and click VOTE

Find me on Discord, being friendly on #teamcanada, #teamaustralia, #thealliance, #vegansofsteemit, #adsactly, #ghscollective, #steemitsmamas, and helping new comers on #indonesia

If you leave ANY link on my blog, I WILL flag you down. This is to avoid phishing and shits

howdy thekitchenfairy! well Ma'am I don't understand much of this stuff but I support you anyway! lol.

thanks for the support! dont worry, you and i can just mess around with kitchen and recipes ;-)

haha! ok that sounds like a deal!

Asik ya kalau mengerti "coding-codingan" 😊
Kalau kalimantan kebakaran. Sesaknya meluas sedunia.

Posted using Partiko Android

bener bos, sampai di protes negara-negara tetangga wkwkwkw

Negara tetangga juga salah. Knpa buat negara dekat2 indo yakan. Hahaha

Posted using Partiko Android


Great to hear you are HF20 compliant, so are we!


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