Proctologic Witness Update - 2017/06/27
Long time since i updated my witness post but now have HF19 running.
Also include a 35 year old picture of me holding a bunny as a tribute to lovely @patelincho
My house was hit by lightning so i now run my private server + laptop + VPS as backup so it wont happen again
My witness Server
Dual Xeon Quadcore 3GHZ
768GB 10K SAS drives RAID5
Stable 100/100Mbit connection
HighMemory - VD36GB
$42.00 USD Monthly
I will continue my work with precompiled steemd versions and recruiting new users from Sweden.
We have around 100k active altcoin traders that possible can join Steemit so will do everything i can to get them interested.
Looking forward to see the new HF19 live with balanced reward-system so whale-wars stops because its not fun when great posts get flagged.
I will also try to compile steemd to android if possible so in the end it will run on anything.
Like i said before : When it comes to voting for witnesses, there is really only one choice - me!
Shoutout to my old friend @officialfuzzy @fuzzyvest over at @beyondbitcoin that introduced me to Steemit and made all this happen.
Link to my previous posts :
Please follow/upvote/resteem and approve my witness
Type proctologic at the bottom of the page and then click vote.

Every user referred with this link will get $20 to use the Vultr so you can run this 4 months for free

My witness Server
Dual Xeon Quadcore 3GHZ
768GB 10K SAS drives RAID5
Stable 100/100Mbit connection

Shoutout to all great people that have helped me get this far.
@officialfuzzy @fyrstikken @klye @creationlayer @sykochica @poeticsnake @chitty
@linouxis9 @kingscrown @pharesim @xeroc @ash @krnel
@contentjunkie @natebrune @picokernel @noganoo
When it comes to voting for witnesses, there is really only one choice - me!
Type proctologic at the bottom of the page and then click vote.
vote_for_witness YOURACCOUNT proctologic true true
Upvoted and Followed! I'm heavy on the recruitment as well! Good Luck!
Type proctologic at the bottom of the page and then click vote. (
and i will upvote every post you make
got you friend!
God job dear witness :)
Procto for Pres!! And such a cute bunny and kid pic of you! :D
Procto is the best :)
Proctologic you are the best. Please vote for Procto.
Good article
I love you.
ApVote and Follow @burundel :)