KLYE Witness Update - 2017 / 06 / 09

in #witness-category8 years ago (edited)


Greetings to all current & future STEEM users! May you prosper.

Nearly every week since starting my witness campaign I've tried to create a brief post letting folks know what I've gotten up to in the week in regards to STEEM service programming, maintenance and creation. This weeks @tippy development endevours brought with them some delicious progress in regards to how the tipping engine scans blocks as well as some security features as well. If you're interested please check out the information below to get yourself up to speed with where the project is at.

This Week as STEEM Witness

A more concentrated effort and increased coding hours were deployed on the @Tippy project this week. It's currently my primary focus to get the tipping service engine completed before the end of this month. As any service dealing with user funds the code will have to be tested, bullet proofed and deemed production ready before it is launched out into the wild.

🤖 Project @Tippy Gets Some Well Deserved Coding Progress


Something that seems easy in theory and ends up incredibly more difficult to create is a nice way to sum up my thoughts on the @Tippy project. It didn't take me very long to get the code written for the bare bones script to operate as I had intended, however the early alpha versions of the tipping engine were crude in comparison to the version I've currently got running locally.

The engine is now at alpha version 0.0.7 and with the past weeks work on the code now showing signs of proper functionality I'm pretty confidant that a launch of the server may very well be doable by the end of this month. While a few functions still need to be coded in and tested the likely hood of it taking me a week or two more to get everything included in the service I would like is pretty high.

Major Changes in Tippy Functionality

Alpha versions of the script v0.0.1 through v0.0.6 used the steemJS features steem.api.streamOperations & steem.api.streamBlockNumber which rely on reading the head_block of the STEEM blockchain, which works amazingly well for fast responses, functions, replies and tips but is not in the least bit secure to use for deposits sadly.

Big thanks to @fabien for implementing the 'irreversible' option on the two features listed above allowing steemJS users to stream the last_irreversible_block.. Which is far more secure for dealing with deposits of any type on our STEEM network!


The @Tippy engine as of this latest version now actually monitors both the head_block as well as last_irreversible_block to achieve incredibly fast response times to commands as well as maximum security. Next step is to finish off the sync on start code and ensure it's functioning correctly and get the queue system started to allow the service greater scalability and load resistance.

It's coming together and I'm very excited to get this coded, tested and launched soon. I'll be up all night working on code, Woke up late today so may as well get working now!



Commendable dedication and passion for the project, way to go :) thanks for sharing this information, it's good to know more about @tippy as the work progresses and I'm excited to see the final results.

@klye, I'll have you know, I graduated top of my class in MS Paint art school. I have already won a competition graded by one of our very own steem artists. You see what you made me do? You still haven't sent child support for klyeboyn so I'm out here pimping my MS Paint skills like a common street walker hustling for cash. I offer you proof of my winning entry and demand child support payments be made in a timely manner. GOOD DAY.

It needs more dick but that is some fine art..!

It's awesome that the Steem blockchain is being developed with tipping service by you and your great friends sir klye. Having this will make one of the main features (tipping) of Yours.org obsolete. Their microtransactions require some penny while this one does not.

Once perfected and launched it will certainly change the way people do things around here. :)

No doubt sir :)

@tippy - Info - Steemit Tip Bot

@tippy Information

This STEEM network text tipping service created by @steemtqa & @klye
More information to come!
@Tippy - Steemit Text-to-Tip Service - Tip Without Ever Leaving The Page!

Ha! @tippy is great fun.

@tippy tip gregory-f 0.001 sbd

It'll be up and down intermittently tonight as I work on it. Will try and leave it up as much as possible. :P

This reply needs to be redone.. I'll get to it some time soon.

@klye's Account Balance:
0.000 STEEM
$0.279 SBD

@Tippy - Steemit Text-to-Tip Service
Tip Without Ever Leaving The Page!
Need More Info? Comment: @

friWEEDay !!!

goodjob boss!

@tippy tip anejosua 0.001 SBD

Wish you all the best in your endeavor...Please check out my latest post and share your feedback

Thanks man. A lot of thought and hours have gone into this thing so far.

Will check out your post later. It's generally poor form to post links to your own work on others posts but I'll let is slide as you've only recently joined. Take it easy. :)

Yup completely understand...won't be happening again thanks for pointing it out...will keep that in mind...I was little curious to know other people's opinion :)

No worries dude! I'll check er and comment when I get a chance.

@Tippy Help & Commands
tipTip a User@tippy tip klye 1.337 STEEM
powerupTip SP to User@tippy powerup klye 0.690 STEEM
balanceCheck Balance
statsView Statistics@tippy stats
infoInformation & Fees@tippy info
pingCheck Service Status@tippy ping
voteUpvote Parent Post@tippy vote
flagFlag Parent Post@tippy flag
@klye's Account Balance:
0.000 STEEM
$0.279 SBD

@Tippy - Steemit Text-to-Tip Service
Tip Without Ever Leaving The Page!
Need More Info? Comment: @

Ahh. It cut off the tippy help comment on the bottom. Bugga!

@Tippy Help & Commands
tipTip a User@tippy tip klye 1.337 STEEM
powerupTip SP to User@tippy powerup klye 0.690 STEEM
balanceCheck Balance@tippy balance
statsView Statistics@tippy stats
infoInformation & Fees@tippy info
pingCheck Service Status@tippy ping
voteUpvote Parent Post@tippy vote
flagFlag Parent Post@tippy flag

@tippy tippy .10 STEEM

@tippy - Tip: ERROR - Steemit Tip Bot

You didn't have a @tippy account or balance so one was created!
@Tippy - Steemit Text-to-Tip Service - Tip Without Ever Leaving The Page!

Egads, let's have another go @tippy tippy .10 STEEM

@tippy - Tip Error - Steemit Tip Bot

@tippy Error!

Not enought STEEM in your account!
Send STEEM or SBD to @tippy to top up account!
@Tippy - Steemit Text-to-Tip Service - Tip Without Ever Leaving The Page!

gassed er' up, 3rd time's a charm

@tippy klye .10 STEEM

EDIT: i give in

This is some real sweetness Mr. @klye. Nice one dude.

You rock @klye. Looking forward for the beta version of tippy so that I can test it. Nice work dude.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.13
TRX 0.22
JST 0.030
BTC 83876.09
ETH 1926.43
USDT 1.00
SBD 0.82