Back to a creature with a little more bite than that fuzzy bunny last time.
The Copperhead Snake (Agkistrodon contortrix) is one of those few snakes in North America that people really fear. In fact, they fear them so much, they call just about any snake a Copperhead and attempt to kill them instantly. Unfortunately, such fear and reactions are not quite as necessary as some would think.
Though they are venomous, bites from Copperheads are rarely fatal. Part of the "problem" with Copperheads is that they are unlikely to run away from you. Many snakes will attempt to take off at the sight of a human (I know, I have to chase them) but the Copperhead will often remain motionless. Since their coloration and camouflage blends into their environment so well, it is better for them to remain still if they want to be undetected. However, this makes them easier to step on unaware.
Copperheads give live birth and do not lay eggs. Want to learn more? If so, watch the video below.
The information is the video is original but I did have a quick refresher from this source.
If you enjoyed this video, please consider thanking @thelivingpoet for encouraging me to make it!
As always, I'm @papa-pepper and here's the proof:
Wow that's cool @papa-pepper
I see you holding a snake, and that is very amused for me... :D
I have never held a snake until now. I want to know what it feels like.
Thanks for share this cool things :)
"I have never held a snake until now."
Are you currently holding a snake?
I still have my tank and supplies. Makes me want to go get a new pet king snake!
Nice video and very informative. Unfortunately, when i see a snake, I will most likely go in the opposite direction haha.
That's one scary looking creature😄
Wow man great post i really learned from this! I love all your content and always give it an upvote ;) I am 14 years old and i think that people my age should use steemit to benefit from the time that they put into the internet and social media. If you could Upvote my recent content to help me along the way that would be much appreciated :)
You da man!

Yuck! Very good video about copper heads snakes. I don't like snakes!
The only good snake is a dead snake. I know..... they have their place, I just don't like it when they want to come share mine.
Jesus, you sir, have some cojones. I'd be needing a new pair of trousers if I got within a half mile of one of those things, and there you are handling it like its not scary at all to you! Fair play!
wowwwww...!! I love snakes...and these pictures are amazing....:D