Betterlife || The Diary Game || July 30, 2021 || An Extraordinary & Cheerful Day
Aslam Alaikum
Hope you all are well.
I woke up this morning and got a little fresh. Then I went to see some land and saw a man using pesticides on the land. I took a picture on the way to see it.
After Aslam came home from there, I saw my mother cooking. Then I helped my mother in cooking. After finishing cooking, we have a lot of betel trees planted next to us. I went to see them. After many days I went there and saw a tree with flowers coming out to catch betel nuts and took a picture of it.
However, the fruit comes slowly from the betel flower. It grows from a small fruit to a betel nut, but it takes a long time. After coming from there, I came home. I came home and took a bath from home. Then I took a little rest. I rested and went out a little fresh again. After coming from there, I went to see a paddy field. It was time for Iftar.
Then I took a little picture of the sun sinking. Then I came home and broke my fast and went to pray.
Thanks everyone
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