For the la...
For the last two days, I had to go to the sawmill to stand for several hours. Let me tell you, pulling a tree does not mean hanging a tree. Making or converting round wood or wooden logs or logs by cutting or slicing them into size wood or poles, squares, planks, cobblestones, rugs etc. is called tree planting in Bagerhat area. It's not like I've never seen a sawmill before or worked on a sawmill. But before that, I was relieved by making any of my employees or contract mechanics stand in this work! So who stands in the meeting time! I would go to work as soon as possible. This time, I spent almost two days standing together in the company of our hired craftsman! What a waste of time! If I hadn't seen the Samil workers standing by, I would have seen another aspect of life or a real life struggle! What I could see was how they made this difficult task easier and continued for hours on end! What I could see, their sympathy! I could see from a very close distance that he had taken on the responsibility of removing a relatively weak colleague. However, in the work, they give a rest to each person by implementing a great rotation practice. What I was saying was, shoulder, yes, shoulder ... shoulder ... neck is their main strength, I say, tool. They use the neck to work hard to break the bones all day! Our maid is very close to us.
[WhereIn Android] (
This post has been rewarded by the Steem Community Curation Project #wherein 我是谁?你又是谁?!我为什么会在这里?你加了cnsteem 没?!