Submission of my proposal as a special curator in literacy content

in whalepower5 years ago (edited)



"The level of literacy is not only related to the ability to communicate, but rather to the readiness to seek, verify, enjoy, and make capital for his enlightenment."

Of course it will further affect one's ability to communicate, understand, empathize, share, be willing to sacrifice, work for inner satisfaction, and so on.

The word literacy may have a closeness to the English word literate. When referring to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, literate [adjective], has several definitions.

However, a closer definition to understand the above sentences is educated, cultured. Another definition that can be found in the same dictionary is having knowledge or competence. Synonyms of the word literate are educated, erudite, knowledgeable, learned, lettered, scholarly, well-read.

Still from the same dictionary, the antonym of the word literate is benighted, dark, ignorant, illiterate, uneducated, unlearned, unlettered, unscholarly.

From some of the above understanding, it can be taken a picture that literate that is effective synonymous-have a meaning of closeness-with educated.



Of course my first step is to increase literacy levels to make people literate, not illiterate, able to read.

But more important is being able to "read" to gain knowledge, enlightenment, process it, and make it capital to produce something that is beneficial to fellow humans.

After literacy and being able to read, the next challenge is how to make people feel the need, need, to "read".




Of course there is a reason for every action we do. Likewise writing. There are many factors that form the basis of why we write things. Every writer has different reasons, so that the color of his writing is different from other writers.
I like to write about life.
Besides being a member of the Lhokseumawe Literary Community, I also learned to write from a well-known novelist owned by Indonesia @arafatnur.
Many of his works are already worldwide, and in the near future I will publish a novel that is ready for release.
And finally, I want to say that, today someone has a lot to say. Someone needs someone to understand what is on his mind. My point is that if he cannot share his feelings with the public, he must definitely write it in his life's diarrhea. Because where everything and every effort fails, words understand us ..
My hobby is writing. Even my habit of writing on this I tell you. When I say the amount of work I have made, they will respond in awe. I sometimes feel comforted by the appreciation from my friends.




There is a big problem for the Indonesian people related to the level of literacy in a broad sense. The level of literacy is not merely interpreted as literacy, but rather how the level of literacy in a society can become a provision for enlightenment and development itself.
The problem is the difficulty of access to books, or other problems? In my opinion the main problem is there is no system, especially education that trains students to feel the need to read.
It is still often heard that Indonesian reading interest is low which is ranked 51 out of 52 countries in the world according to Unesco.
As the saying goes "Books are the Window to the World"
This is indeed true because with the book we will find out various information that exists throughout the world both about history, general knowledge, and other things.

My core point is to change the mindset of the current generation which is very old-fashioned, they should think a little for its progress, that science will bring enlightenment. Knowledge can only be obtained by studying or reading. No one in this world is born to be immediately smart instantly without ever learning, and without ever reading a book for his knowledge.


This is the submission of my proposal as a special curator in literacy content.
Hopefully can be accepted. thank you @steemitblog for giving this wonderful opportunity to everyone.

I say many thanks for visiting my blog. if you have some corrections in my post, let me know your opinion and don't hesitate to comment below. I want to share this content with,
@stephenkendal ,@paulag , @nathanmars , @kommienezuspadt, @davidke, @belemo, @anomadsoul, @r2cornell , @cjsdns and all Steemians everywhere.**

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Thanks for visiting and interesting comments
Lhokseumawe, April/11/2020

@wira8788 By;



You are always welcome :)

You are the most Beautiful girl I have seen over steemit :)

20 persen dari pos ini kamu copy paste dari posting milik saya. 😆ngak masaalah. Semoga proposal kamu di terima

Gaklah bg....
Saya hanya meniru proposal abg
Maklum baru pemula....
Janganlah dibilang copas.
Jadi malu wiranya

😆 haha yaya .maaf ya wira.🙂

Saya mendukung penuh adc @wira8788
Menjadi curator
Pantas 👍

Terimakasih untuk dukungannya abangku

I support you, @wira8788. U are very talented in writing.

Thank you for support My friend

I Support You..

Ya,ini adalah kata yang tepat.
selama ini saya selalu memperhatikan postingan saudara @wira8788. Blog yang anda tulis selalu memotivasi saya dan juga steemian lainnya. Saya tidak meragukan lagi, karena anda sangat tau banyak mengenai dunia blokchain ini, terutama steem. Saya rasa anda sangat pantas menjadi seorang Curator.
#Salam Sukses

Izinkan saya Reblog postingan anda.

Terimakasih kawan.
Tapi pujiannya terlalau berlebihan 😀
Saya hanya berusaha, yang menentukan mereka dan dukungan teman-teman semua.
Thank you for all

Sama sama kawan..
Semoga anda sukses, selamat malam.

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