Wake UP!

WHY? It's only One O'clock
That would be PM you idiot...it's after NOON.
Oh yeah...that. I guess that explains the light.
So I get me some...it's cold (left over from last night..) so I nuke it..
Ahhh...and a couple of slices of cold pizza.
Breakfast of champions
(I stay away from Wheaties...I saw what happened to Bruce Jenner!)
Check the Price of Steem...(first thing after coffee...every time)

going up...slowly.

Check the news...
Same old thing...
The Dhmikrats are lying..the Republicans are crying.
I swear...the Evil Party...and the Stupid Party...been that way as long as I can remember.
Bah...I think I'll go out on the patio and smoke a ceegar
(I can do that...I'm retired...no time clock for me ...no sir ree)
Better take a jacket..
it's Cold out there..
for spring..
no problem..just a 'cold snap'...just weather..
love this one "(I stay away from Wheaties...I saw what happened to Bruce Jenner!) "

laugh out crying rolling on the floor almost died hahahahah
Good combination for a typical Sunday: rest a little more, a cup of coffee, a cigarette and the Steem going up. Well, in the case of you: wrap yourself up like a mummy ...

I typically wear a bathrobe...with a hood.
A small mistake
Where are the good guys? Third party? @ironshield
dunno if there are any.
left wing, right wing, same bird.
Jenner's reference very funny! I remember. We finally hit 60 degrees up here! I'm typing this outside on the deck in the shade while our dog goes nuts barking at a couple of wild turkeys (toms) passing by our fenced in backyard.
they keep PROMISING 80degrees...
so far it hasn't happened.
Cold Fronts (imagine that...In APRIL) keep rolling thru and messing up their forecasts.
Very interesting cat ):
I'm always worried about Crypto. It's always up & down, up & down.