A visit to a village
I visited my father's village, yesterday. When I reached their I was forced to think about past when our forefathers used to live in an old culture where technology hasn't touched them. The place was so beautiful. Starting from the kachha house with slates used for making roofs. Than we enjoyed the atmosphere of fresh air with trees and greenery all the way. These pics will surely describe you what I felt their -
Than we ate an amazing lunch made on a "kachhachula", the food made on it really enhance the flavourasom i. e, the food which makes a day.
After enjoying the lovely and tasty lunch, we went out to see the trees sown by my father. In India this place is known by the name "BAGH" and as it was containing trees of mangoes thats why it is known as "Aam ka bagh" in India .i.e, "Mango Orchard ".
I was accompanied by my mom and my dad's maami who was telling us about different varieties of mango trees which were present their. While traveling their, it was the experience just like trekking their and we enjoyed alot. Here is a look of that greenery
Than after reaching back to the village I saw various domestic animals over their which are reared for milk mainly cows and buffaloes both present in the same house, it was shocking too. Both were giving very cute looks which were mind blowing. Have a look to the one of the most important family members of village families - -
This is a picture where mom and her two daughters are sitting i. e., in actual I am talking about buffalos
ye gobar vali jaruri lgani thi
Yhi to h most imp thing, aapko pta h recently gobar k use se harmful mobile radiation se bchne ka trika invent kia h