What is the importance of Open-Source Software/Hardware?
Img source : https://tinyurl.com/yca276tp
Your question is an extraordinary question today, because this will resolve misunderstandings about the Open-Source concept.
Let's discuss it in full.
Open source is a system / method for development that is not centralized by an individual / organization / institution. It is more centralized to collaborate by using open source code, and free access by anyone.
Usually, Open source is made not for commercial purposes or to get money, but for a larger purpose, so that it can be beneficial for developers, users, and many people. Users will be able to develop software / open source hardware by implementing modifications that come from innovation and creativity they have.
The purpose is :
1. Freedom of Thinking
There is no limit to thinking and developing innovation because all codes / structures can be modified freely. Nothing is hidden, even though the learning curve is higher.
Developers, both beginners and professionals are able to change, add some parts, fiddle freely, or even give advice (issue) to the creator of the software / hardware.
2. Boundless Future
Because open source can be modified and repaired, maximized by others, the device will not stagnate, and will continue to grow over time. From an open source device, utilization will appear in other fields. For example: the Bitcoin crypto currency platform, at first there was only one platform. Over time, there are currently more than 2,000 crypto currencies that have been registered, which are sourced from the open source Bitcoin platform, or development / derivatives thereof.
3. Legality
We will never deal with the legality factor if we use open source. However, make sure to release the software / hardware that you modified with an open source license as well. If you claim to be yours, that will be a problem.
From the open-source nature, the most important thing is that there is no limit to the creativity and development of the product. So, these products can be used by others without limits, and of course the more days the better.
Quite a thorough answer. It clears out many confusions.