Graphology: The ability to understand character from handwriting
Many researchers do not want to recognize this process as science. Many people also make fun of graphology. However, the graphologists do not have the logic, but it is not. They have explained the evidence by analyzing the character of any person through graphical engineering, in many cases it is possible.
The man's name is the most popular word in the world, so he takes care of it and takes care of himself. Everyone wants his signature to be different from everyone. This gives a credibility to everyone, from whom the signature of the signer is very much known.
Graffiti is a strange process to understand the character from the handwriting of a person; Image Source:
A little attention can be understood, depending on emotions, different types of handwriting are different depending on emotions. Handwriting is incompatible at the time of tension, it does not follow a specific line and the letters in the words become almost insignificant. On the other hand, the signs that have been out of the word like J-Fool or Reef are very big.
When the same person is happy, he signs a little loud while signing and the letters are very clear. Again, in the depressed circumstances, the handwriting becomes very small, the letters are very close and the big tension is almost unbearable. In such cases, an identity of an immediate mental condition is available in the handwriting, as well as a reflection of the total mentality of the human being from his signature.
Graphologists have shown how dance dramas are found in the dance genre, in the eyes of the scientists, balanced disciplines are noticed. Again, the popular people signed very large letters and pen with a lot of pressure and their tones were huge, they moved from side-to-end to the end of the leaf. Needless to say, these analyzes are not one hundred percent. There are exceptions in some cases. But this is often seen as such.
Napoleon's sign was spread in a very early life. While being at the peak, his signature becomes slightly shorter, the letters are very tight, but the letters are written with too much pressure and strokes are very strong. The graphologists showed this difference in 1791 with the sign of the young Subleifenant Napoleon and the signature of Napoleon, France's ruler of 1805.When Napoleon's defeat began, the firmness of the former gradually disappeared, and at the end of his life, his signature becomes very small and almost obscure and illogical.
Nepalese sign of different times; Image Source: Pinterest
The signature of Hitler's rise and fall is quite different. The signature of Hitler's life is very insignificant, and the burden is almost impossible. This sign has fallen down a little symbolically. Anxiously anxious, but difficult to sign a man. The characters here are rigid.
Hitler's signature and good times of Hitler; Image Source: Pinterest
These decisions are not above the debate. But some people have been haunting this issue for a long time. Other than this, it is quite fascinating.
American artist Fried Astiar was very famous for his dancing. His face is not something that is not good, but a hint of dancing in the upper tones is easily available, and it has differentiated his signature. A glimpse of Fred's dance stance is found in his weird 'F' writing
Fred Astiar's signature; Image Source: PSA Card
There is some idea about the fault and quality of the concerned person by signing the Grafology, which is quite impressive. Let's discuss some of the features that can be gained from the sign of different people about their character.
The signatures of such people are usually leaning towards the right. The size of the autograph is quite large, the upper and lower sides of the character are quite long.
Such people's signature is quite big, it's very big. There is no connection to another letter with one character. They are very happy to sign.
His imaginative mentality is found through the sign of Jules Verne; Image Source:
Agreeable attitude
The size will be mid-sized. Never be too big in length-width Their signature is very poetic, the parts played in the waves and the spherical looks.
Customary attitude
Absolutely copybook autograph The size of the size is medium or small. Straight straight rectangle with the help of straight line tilted right. Such attitudes, in which the middle letters of their names are associated with others.
Self-centered attitude
There are small signals left on the left side of such people. The middle parts of the letters are very narrow.
The spirit of suppressing others
Their signature is always great, especially upper and middle part of the letters. The main characteristic of the closing sign is that the character segment is moved upwards.
The bottom side of the signature is very large. Characters tie in with each other and tilt to the right. Anxia is seen in narrow sections like thread.
Mukesh Ambani is a business person who is looking for; Image Source:
Trial power
Clear, transparent, medium size signature Characters associated with each other On the right is a little tilted and larger than the upper part.
Signs of people of this nature are slightly tilted and left to the left. The signature of the signature is more circular than the eyes.
Large letter signature sign Usually, they forget to cut the head of the small hand 'i' in the head or the head 't'.
Versatile genius
Some letters of their signature are isolated, and some letters are associated. Highly rhymed signature Each letter is written in almost new form. Autographs give clear testimony to their talent.
Abdul Kalam, signature of multi-talent talent; Image Source: Google Plus
Cool temperament
Slow, short, tension sign on the left. The characters in the middle of the autograph have each other's angle.
The upper right-hand sign There is almost no gap between characters. The middle part of the letter stays on the neck.
Signature Each letter has an acute emphasis on each character. With great care in English, the people of this nature cut the head or the head of `t 'in the head of the small hand' i '.
Self confidence
The size of the sign is quite large. Saiyar is well-organized and enriched in English, they write 'I'..
Einstein's findings can be found in his image; Image Source:
Except as a torn thread, without signature. Signature letters are too big and incomplete.
Large signature big letters As the size of the sign is large, so the gap between the letters is too big.
Just like the thread, rolling signature. There is no siren in the signature. None of his letters can be understood by his headache.
Slightly signed small signatures on the left. Most lines of letters always fall downwards.
Their writings are as small as they are. The upper and middle part of the letters is quite small.
It is nice to pull the top of them signature. The spherical figure is more visible in the letters. It is very clear and clear that these people's autographs.
Barack Obama gets a picture of an optimistic person; Image Source:
The letters of their signature are encircled downwards. The characters are also seen as violent.
It's very nice to see such people's autographs. Look at the layout of letters. Whether the 'j' prowess of 'he' is given properly, whether the dimension is correct or not;
Characters are connected together. There is no gap between the letters 'O' or the English alphabet 'B' in these letters. Sometimes they raise their signature again and again on the sign and brighten the signature.
Big waves signature Characters fall on the neck.
Play with the right to the right and sign it. Angular characters can be seen more often in the letters of the name. Very hardly they cut the stomach's head or 'stomach' stomach.
Whose movements are not understood
The sign of these people is always bent on the right, and sometimes to the left, Their signatures are isolated.
It is not always the right analysis of the graphical analysts to do. But even then, through the sign of a person, some of the characteristics of a person who is found to be found, are quite surprising.