Graph Analytics on IMDB Top 250 movies - Part 1

in #utopian-io6 years ago (edited)



What Will I Learn?

  • You will learn how to extract data from websites
  • You will learn how to use apache spark as ETL tool
  • You will learn some distributed computing concepts


System Requirements

FreeBSD 10.3 or later
Linux 2.6.23 or later with glibc
macOS 10.10 or later
Windows 7, Server 2008R2 or later
with atleast i3 or equivalent AMD processor and 8gb ram is preferred.

Programming Skills

Better if had good understanding of python,scala languages
Atleast minimum knowledge on how distributed computing works
Some hands-on work on apache spark,any word count example.


  • Intermediate

Tutorial Contents

Graph Analytics on IMDB Top 250 movies - Part 1

Main Theme

The main intention of this tutorial is to get the artists who have more shared connections(ranking) in the IMDB top 250 movies and how one artist connected to other artists.

Data Extraction

Language : Python
Tools/lib : csv,Itertools,lxml,requests
Task-1 : Scrape all top 250 movies titles
  • create a file
  • Import required tools
    import csv
    import itertools
    from lxml import html
    import requests
  • Get the endpoint url
       #Imdb top 250 -
       #Imdb top rated Indian -
       #Imdb top rated Telugu Movies -
       #Imdb top rated Tamil Movies -
       #Imdb top rated Malayalam Movies -
  • next part is to provide this url to requests which returns a ElementTree. So that we can perform a global XPath query against the document.
    pageUrl = ''
    page = requests.get(pageUrl)
    tree = html.fromstring(page.content) #<class 'lxml.html.HtmlElement'>
    MoviesList = tree.xpath('//td[@class="titleColumn"]')
    #[<Element td at 0x7f4a175decb0>, <Element td at 0x7f4a175ded08>,....]

Fig - selecting titleCoumn element for every table row

  • Now that we have a list of all Elements which matched the query, we further proceed to scrap the title name for each element using typical split by "/" operation

Fig - Expanded view of td which contains movie title

for i in MoviesList:
        title_url = i.xpath('./a/@href')
        str1 = ''.join(title_url)
        title = str1.split("/")[2] #prints tt0111161 -movie title 
  • Next step is to send this tiltle to some method to get the main cast to this movie
Task-2 : Get the main casts for the given movie title
  • create a file
  • Define a function as below
def getCast(titleid):
  casts =[]
  page = requests.get(''+titleid+'/')
  tree = html.fromstring(page.content)
  Casts = tree.xpath('//table[@class="cast_list"]/tr/td[@class="primary_photo"]')  # [<Element td at 0x7fee28ed97e0>, <Element td at 0x7fee28ed9838>,....]
  for i in Casts:
      name = ''.join(i.xpath('./a/img/@alt')) # Tim Robbins
  return casts;

this method will return the casts for the given title

  • Now we will have MoviesCast[] and actors[] array values which hold the casts in every movie and actors name respectively.
Task-2.1 : Import getCast(titleid) method in
  • Importing getCast method at top

    from ImdbCastScrapper import getCast
  • Add these lines of code in for loop of MoviesList

    for i in MoviesList:
            movieCast = getCast(title)
  • Now we will have MoviesCast[] and actors[] array values which hold the casts in every movie and actors name respectively.

  • actors[] have actually contains a list of array like below, so we need to flatten this to a single list of actors.

    ['Jhon','Robert','wil'], # cast from movie 1
    ['Eddey','Robert','smith'], # casts from movie 2 

    Use the following code to merge the arrays together

    merged = list(itertools.chain(*actors))

    After this code execution you will have list like below

  • You may notice duplicate names of actors in actors[] because some actors might act in multiple movies but we want this actors[] array to be a unique list of actors

    uniqueActors = set(merged)
Task-3: Saving the Actors and cast to csv files


    # Saving actos uniqe list
    with open('actors.csv','wb+') as file:
        for line in uniqueActors:
    # Saving MovieCasts uniqe list
    with open('MoviesCast.csv','wb+') as file1:
        for line in moviesCast:

Data Transformation

Language : Scala
Tools/lib : Apache Spark

Transformation is an important task in bigdata world because the data which we get may not be in correctly formatted or unwanted data, also have some noise in it.Some might have structured data like oracleDB,sql databases,semi-structured data like JSON,CSV,XML formats. Both the semi and structured data represents 5-10 % of the data available. You got now! unstructured data eating the world with 90-95% share in the data world. Some examples of unstructured data are like audio, video files and log files, End Of Thinking Capacity ....

Now let me introduce to you Apache Spark, I am not going to copy paste what official page says here instead give you link to refer Apache_spark.

I have been working since 2 years on it, I love the way how it simplified to run the same piece of code perfectly on both standalone(your laptop) and in a cluster, the rich APIs it provides, Higher-order functions, multiple language support( of course it’s a framework though).

Task 1 : Spark installtion and setup

Start with downloading apache spark software from download page , just go with the default options. There are several ways to develop spark application using eclipse-maven,sbt tools scala Ide+maven , Sbt+Intellij , Eclipse+java8 but without much setup for this tutorial we will use the spark-shell to load the scala file in terminal and run the code.

Make sure you have java installed, if not use this to install

sudo apt-get install openjdk-8-jre 

After you extract the spark-2.x.x-bin-hadoop2.7 folder,navigate to bin folder ,open terminal and type this following command ./spark-shell [enter]


Task 2 : Create csv file which holds all possible combinations for every actor in a movie

Our main theme is to build relations among artists/actors and find who holds more connections and how each other connected to others.

In MoviesCast.csv file, we have a list of actors in every movie separated by new line.

Tim Robbins,Morgan Freeman,Bob Gunton,William Sadler,Clancy Brown,Gil Bellows,Mark Rolston,James Whitmore,Jeffrey DeMunn,Larry Brandenburg,Neil Giuntoli,Brian Libby,David Proval,Joseph Ragno,Jude Ciccolella
Marlon Brando,Al Pacino,James Caan,Richard S. Castellano,Robert Duvall,Sterling Hayden,John Marley,Richard Conte,Al Lettieri,Diane Keaton,Abe Vigoda,Talia Shire,Gianni Russo,John Cazale,Rudy Bond

Given the input of actors, we need to create each possible pairs of actors, which represents the relation between them
for example MoviesCast.csv consider below example

    a,b,c,d // actors in movie 1
    c,d,g,h // actors in movie 2

our apache spark transformation code snippet will produce out as below


first column is src , and second is dst

Here we considered two way relations means if a knows b then b also knows a.


import scala.math.random
import org.apache.spark.SparkContext
import org.apache.spark.SparkConf
import org.apache.spark._   
//import com.databricks.spark.csv
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
import sqlContext.implicits._

object Transformer {

  def main(args: Array[String]) {
    // Input file is MoviesCast.csv
    var CastsFile = sc.textFile("<path_wher_you_saved_>/MoviesCast.csv");
    val df_ = => {
        val splitArr = f.split(",") // reading line and splitting with ','
        val _Tuple_pair = for( a <- splitArr ; b <- splitArr ;if(a != b) )  yield(a,b)
        _Tuple_pair //returning tuple pairs of possible combination 
    .flatMap(f => f);

    val relationsDF =   spark.createDataFrame(df_).toDF("src","dst");

// scalastyle:on println

Well that's a lot of code let me walk through it, apart from imports

  • we created Transformer scala object
  • sc stands for sparkContext.using that object we loaded file using textFile(path) method.
  • loading a file will create the rdd (which is a core abstraction of apache spark).Rdds are immutable,distributed and fault tolerant.
  • On that created rdd CastFile we put map on it and iterate over every the data is , delimited we split with , and build an array from it which holds entire cast in that movie.
  • for( a <- splitArr ; b <- splitArr ;if(a != b) ) yield(a,b) is a one-liner for creating possible pairs in a given array
  • After the map operation, we will have a list of arrays of tuples like below
  • For flattening this,flatMap will return the flattened tuples
  • The last section of the code involves creating a dataframe and saving to a file system as Relations.csv file.
Task 3 : Loading and executing scala file from spark-shell

Use this command to load scala file

:load <path_to_scala>/Transformer.scala

Inorder to execute the code run this command


After calling the above method a folder will be created with name Relations.csv.Which holds the all possible relations for every actor.

you can find the source code for DATA EXTRACTION , DATA TRANSFORMATION , DATA

In the next tutorial, we will use this Relations.csv data to build a graphFrame.Using this graphFrame we will easily calculate PageRank and BFS.


This is the first tutorial

Proof of Work Done


Thank you for your contribution @yashwanthkambala.
After reviewing your tutorial we suggest the following points listed below:

  • Nice work on the explanations of your code, although adding a bit more comments to the code can be helpful as well.

  • We suggest that you put more screenshots of the results you will get during your tutorial.

  • The structure of your tutorial is a bit confusing. In your next tutorial try to improve the structure of your tutorial so readers have a better reading of your contribution.

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Thank you I included more topics in single post ,so that might confuse a bit.I will improve what you suggested

Thank you for your review, @portugalcoin! Keep up the good work!

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