Suggestion "Other Message Services" Add Jitsi Application
Jitsi open source one Application any one account without use possible Lock-protected rooms control the access to your conferences with a password high sound and video quality available message account login make enough nice and use easy application
I am suggesting a that allows the Jitsi other message services Whatsapp,Discord,Telegram,Rocketchat,Wechat
Sign in: Related Message service select>Account information write>Sign in
New account : File>add new account>Related message services
Mockups / Examples
This is the look of the current Jitsi sign in menu app
This is the look of the current Jitsi sign in message services added menu app
This is the look of the current Jitsi add new account menu
This is the look of the current jitsi add new account message services added menu
File>add new account>Related message services
The importance of adding this feature is huge as it allows Jitsi users to connect with other message services communities, users will have access to Whatsapp,Discord,Telegram,Rocketchat,Wechat users other message services use make possible would
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I will definitely take a look at this, thanks for sharing
Thank you
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