EasyEDA suggestion 3 | Addition of 3D visualization on PCB Design

The component what I want to suggest here is to add a feature that we can visualize the PCB layout in 3-dimensional form.
When we do an PCB layout design, it is very important to us to visualize the actual appearance. Through this, we can assess our own work if the design is balanced, good placement of components, and good to see.
In EasyEDA PCB design, visualization of PCB layout is only through "Photo View" command.
This is what the Photo View look like.
What I am proposing here is to add this feature. A 3D visualization.
This feature will give us an 3 dimensional output that can be revolve for us to see every side of PCB layout.
Mockups / Examples
The new toolbar of EasyEDA PCB design will have a look like this.
This is what the output if we use the 3D button.
We can also scroll the mouse to view top, bottom and side view.
Top View
Bottom View
Side View
Here are the benefits:
- It will us the output that is more likely to the actual appearance.
- 3D visualization is more effective because it give as the view of project in different angle.
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