Turkish Translation of docs.bitshares.org #1 (505 WORDS)
BitShares is built to be fast, efficient and scalable to handle the tens of thousands of transactions per second that go with being a decentralized exchange. To understand the assets that are traded on the BitShares decentralized exchange one needs to understand the stable assets, called smartcoin, and the digitized assets, called user-issued assets. Finally, BitShares is built to be autonomous in funding and employing its own workers. https://steemit.com/bitshares/@psylains/what-is-bitshares
I translated doc.bitshares.org
When I started to the project, It was at %18 after my translation it raised to %19. I have translated 505 words.
docs.bitshares.org projesinde çeviri yaptım.
Projeye başlamadan önce %18 olan yüzde, proje bittikten sonra %19'a yükseldi. 505 kelime çevrildi.
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