Turkish Translation for Dollar Street #Part2
Project Details
After a long break, I contributed to a new project. The open source project I had contributed name was Dollar Street. It was a very challenging but enjoyable work. Dollar Street is a website like a public survey but in international scale. They collect data to comparison from different families all around the world. The project reminded me this video by the way: What the average family eats in a week
As you can see below "Dollar Street" claim that they are objective and independent. These required features must ensured regarding this type of work.
"Dollar Street was invented by Anna Rosling Rönnlund at Gapminder. Dollar Street is developed by Gapminder. Gapminder is an independent Swedish foundation with no political, religious or economic affiliations.
Dollar Street has no political or financial agenda. Licensed by Creative Commons license 4.0, you are free to reuse, edit and share the images. We hope you will enjoy it!" *
Here is a link for further query: DS Q&A
Dollar street project got my attention with its good features as it may increase the social awareness and that is why I decided to contribute. I think It'll be an interesting&nice experience for those who may consider to translate this project.
Links related to the translation
Links related to the translation
Crowdin Profile:
Mustafa Bayram
Crowdin Project Page:
Dollar Street
Turkish Translation
Dollar Street GitHub
Source Language
Translated Language
Number Of Words
1004 Words. Nearly 2000 words have not been translated yet.
Number of words translated on this contribution: 1004
Proofread Words
Previous translation on the same project
Part1 (1025 Words)
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