Understanding and Architecture of OpenStack
Understanding Openstack
OpenStack is a software platform for cloud computing, whether public, private, or hybrid. At the beginning of Openstack initiated by IT companies called Rackspace which then collaborate with NASA so that in 2010 emerged system called Nebula which is currently named openstack.
OpenStack is a cloud operating system used for resource a.l. computing, storage and networking, which are available on physical infrastructure such as in a data-center facility. Admin or user can control and provisioning these resources through the dashboard / web interface.
Open the stack works by creating multiple virtual machines so that the use of physical resources can be minimized.
Openstack Architecture
OpenStack itself is designed using a modular architecture consisting of the following components:
Horizon - OpenStack Dashboard
Horizon is a functioning architecture featuring GUI from OpenStack dashboard. Horizon provides web interface for all OpenStack services including Nova, Swift, Keystone etc.
Horizon itself is made using the Django platform with an extensible concept and use reusable components.
Nova - OpenStack Compute
Nova is a service that manages virtual machine networks running on compute nodes. Nova also functions as a distributed component that interacts with keystones for authentication, glances to capture images, and communications with the web interfaces horizon. The most important thing we know is the services nova compute using libvirtd, qemu, and kvm as hypervisornya.
Neutron - OpenStack Network
Neutrons are one of the important components in openstack, neutrons serve to connect Example (vm) to the real world. In short neutrons are a stubborn service and manage the virtual network infrastructure within the openstack cloud platform. What are the elements? Those elements are network, subnet, and router. Some advanced features such as firewalls and VPNs also use neutron services.
Swift - OpenStack Object Storage
Swift is a service on openstack that allows a storage block to be converted into a storage object and in the presence of a storage object the user can store and retrieve files from the storage object.
Cinder - OpenStack Block Storage
Cinder is a service that organizes volume storage management for virtual machines.
Keystone - OpenStack Identity
Keystone serves as a centralized identity service and Authorization Services on the open stack, such as authentication of username and password credentials for authenticated users to the cloud via the horizon, for example, keystone also provides a token or a system-based token for each authenticated user. In other words the keystone acts as an SSO (Single-Sign On) authentication service for users and other components on openstack.
Glance - OpenStack Image
Glance is a service that serves as a registry or container of virtual machines images. With the glance it allows the user to copy the images into an instances (virtual machine) faster because the glance services make virtual machines images as templates stored in storage.
Ceilometer - OpenStack Telemetry
The Ceilometer on openstack serves the monitoring resources on the openstack itself, ceilometer mencentralized sources for monitoring and metering data. With the ceilometer then the administrator can measure the use of the user and create a bill for the user in accordance with the resource used.
Heat - OpenStack Orchestration
Heat is a service used to compile / collaborate multiple composite cloud applications using AWS using REST (Representational State Transfer) API and CloudFormation-Compatible Query API. This software integrates other components of openstack into a one-file template. From these templates it enables the creation of almost all openstack resource types such as Instances, Floating, IPs, Volumes, Security Groups, Users, as well as advanced functionalities such as High Availability, autoscaling instances, and nested stacks.
Trove - OpenStack Database
In this trove feature is the openstack database will be stored and modified
Github: OpenStack
Project Website: http://openstack.org
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