How to Build a Program for PC Screen Recording(Video) with Java - part 2

in #utopian-io7 years ago


What Will I Learn?

  • How to create a screen recording application
  • How to create a simple GUI with swing for better recording controls
  • Replace use of While Loop with Timer and TimerTask to schedule and execute recording task


  • System Requirements : Java JDK, Eclipse IDE or Netbeans IDE
  • OS Support for Java : Windows, macOS, Linux
  • Required Knowledge : A fair knowlege of Java

Resources for Java and this tutorial


  • Basic

Tutorial Duration 30- 35 Minutes

Tutorial Content

This tutorial series covers how to make a recording software using Java. Below is a recap of Part 1

Part 1 - In the part one of this tutorial series,

  • We implemented screen capturing using Java Robot class.
  • The captured screens were stored in an ArrayList and then,
  • Looped through the List to get the stored frames ready for encoding
  • The encoding was achieved using JCodec library

For today's tutorial, we are going to improve on our screen recording program. The list below is how far we will go in today's tutorial.

  • Create a simple GUI for Our Recording program
  • Implement a Time Counter Class
  • Implement Video recording task with the TimerTask Class
  • Adjust the Frame Rate
  • Implement Stopwatch(Time Count) task with TimerTask Class

With this in mind, lets get started

STEP 1 : Create a simple GUI

  • Add a frame to the project as shown in the image below

  • The generated class should look like this

  • To design the frame, navigate to the design view by clicking on the design tab. See the red rectangle portion of the image above
  • Layout your frame to look like in the image below. Be free to use your own design if available.

STEP 2 : Implement the time Counter Class

Create a new Class RecordTimer.

This class is more like a utility class that will help us implement a stop watch, returning time time in seconds, minutes or hour

public class RecordTimer {

    // the starting time 
    private static long startTime;

    // the stopping time
    private static long stopTime;

    // method to reset the time values
    public static void reset() {
        startTime = 0;
        stopTime = 0;

    // method to start the timer

    public static void start() {
        startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();

    // method to stop the timer
    public static void stop() {
        stopTime = System.currentTimeMillis();


    // method to get the timer duration in miliseconds
    public static long getTimeInMilliSec() {
        return stopTime - startTime;
    // method to get the timer duration in seconds
    public static long getTimeInSec() {
        return (stopTime - startTime)/1000;

// method to get the timer duration in min
    public static long getTimeInMin() {
        return (stopTime - startTime)/(60*1000);

Code explanation

  • First we declare two variables; startTime and stopTime to hold the current and previous time
  • reset method basically clears the timer and reset the variables to 0
  • start method set the startTime to current time in milliseconds at any instance
  • stop method sets the stopTime to the current time in milliseconds at another instance(future time)
  • getTimeInMilliSec() returns the time elapsed in milliseconds
  • getTimeInSec() returns the time elapsed in seconds
  • getTimeInMin() returns the time elapsed in minutes

STEP 3 : Implement Screen recording task with the TimerTask Class

In the Part 1 of this tutorial, we used a while loop to implement the screen recording. This was done for simplicity sake. To enhance and improve on our program, we will implement the TimerTask and Timer classes for task scheduling.

Create a TimerTask for Screen Recording as shown below

public class ScreenRecorderTask extends TimerTask {

    //declare variables
    AWTSequenceEncoder encoder;

    Robot robot;
    Rectangle screenDimension;
    BufferedImage image;
    public ScreenRecorderTask(AWTSequenceEncoder sequenceEncoder, Rectangle rectangle) {
        encoder = sequenceEncoder;
        screenDimension = rectangle;
        try {
            robot = new Robot();
        } catch (AWTException ex) {

            Logger.getLogger(ScreenRecorderTask.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);


    public void run() {
        image = robot.createScreenCapture(screenDimension); //capture current screen
       try {
            encoder.encodeImage(image); //encoding image files
        } catch (IOException ex) {
            Logger.getLogger(ScreenRecorderTask.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);

Code explanation

  • The class ScreenRecorderTask extends the TimerTask Class, which implements the run() method
  • The method implemented (i.e run ) is where our screen recording task will be executed.
  • We initialize our encoder and our the rectangle from the constructor with its parameters.
  • Also in the constructor we are going start the time recorder with RecordTimer.start()
  • In the run method, we capture the current desktop screen using the robot class
  • Then we encode the image with the encoder.
  • This method runs continuously until the task is canceled.

STEP 3 : Implement Time Count task with the TimerTask Class

To keep count of the time used for the entire process, and have it display to the user, we are going schedule a task with the timer class. Lets implement a class as shown below

public class TimerCountTask extends TimerTask{
    //declare variables
    JLabel label;
    int timeInSec = 0;

    public TimerCountTask(JLabel jLabel) {
        label = jLabel; // initialize the label

    public void run() {
        label.setText(""+timeInSec+"s"); // set the label text to current count value
        timeInSec++; //increment count by one

Code explanation

  • Firstly we declare the variables needed
  • We initialize the label in the constructor from its parameter
  • In the override method, we set the text of the label to the current value of the counter variable (timeInSec) and then increment the counter

STEP 4 : Handle Button Press for the Start Recording Button

On press of this button, we want to initialize our sequence encoder and then schedule the screen recording task.All this happens in this class : Now Lets walk through the code .

 private void buttonStartRecordingActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {                                                     
        initObjects("record3");// initialize encoder object
        isRecording = true; // set recording state to true

        int delay = 1000 / 24; // delay for the task

        RecordTimer.reset(); // reset stoptime and starttime to 0

        //initialize timer for recording
        timerRecord = new Timer("Thread TimerRecord");
        //initialize timer for counting
        timerCount = new Timer("Thread TimerCount");

        //create a new Task for screen recroding
        recorderTask = new ScreenRecorderTask(encoder, rectangle);
        //create a new task for time counting
        countTask = new TimerCountTask(labelTimer);

        //schedule task for screen recording and time counting
        timerRecord.scheduleAtFixedRate(recorderTask, 0, delay);
        timerCount.scheduleAtFixedRate(countTask, 0, 1000);

        recordStateLabel.setText("recorder Started...");


Code explanation

Basically what happens in this method is:

  • We create instances of ScreenRecorderTask and TimerCountTask
  • Create instances of timerRecord and timerCount
  • schedule the ScreenRecorderTask and TimerCountTask using the timers

STEP 5 : Handle Button Press for the Stop Recording Button

private void buttonStopRecordingActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {                                                    

        if (isRecording) {
            RecordTimer.stop(); //set the stop time
            recordStateLabel.setText("Recording Stopped");
            recordTimeLabel.setText("" + RecordTimer.getTimeInSec());

            //cancle the timer for time counting here

            // stop the timer from executing the task here

            //cancel the tasks scheduled

            try {

                encoder.finish();// finish  encoding
                System.out.println("encoding finish " + (RecordTimer.getTimeInSec()) + "s");
                recordStateLabel.setText("recorder Stopped...");

            } catch (IOException ex) {
                Logger.getLogger(MainScreenRecorderFrame.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);

 isRecording = false; //set recording state to false


Code explantion

Basically what hapens in this method is that:

  • First we check if the recorder is running
  • If true, the codes in the IF block are executed to cancel all created timers and tasks

STEP 6 : Adjust The Frame Rate For the Encoder

In the Part 1 of this tutorial series, the output video was a bit too fast. So after playing around with the frame per second parameter of the sequence encoder i finally came up with a value (24/4). See the code below for the implementation.

encoder = AWTSequenceEncoder.createSequenceEncoder(f, 24 / 4);

complete source code

STEP 7 : Test The Software

With all steps taken, our software should work as shown in the images below

Recorder running

Recorder Stopped

The Output of a Test Run gave the video below


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