Joomla! (Content Management System) Localization #4 (1,133 words)

Project Details
Joomla! is a free and open-source content management system (CMS) for publishing web content. It is built on a model–view–controller web application framework that can be used independently of the CMS. It is written in PHP, uses object-oriented programming (OOP) techniques and software design patterns, stores data in a MySQL, MS SQL, or PostgreSQL database, and includes features such as page caching, RSS feeds, printable versions of pages, news flashes, blogs, search, and support for language internationalization.
As a developer myself, I appreciate CMS applications like this since it serves a great platform for website development: lesser hassle but not sacrificing quality content. Thus, I want to take part in the progress of this application even just by translation for it is also a form of promotion to our language.
Links related to the translation
Source Language
Translated Language
Tagalog @ 64%
Translatable: 67,365 words
Number Of Words
Overall Contribution: 5,010
Previous Contribution: 1,287
This Contribution: 1,133
Previous translation on the same project
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