About Us FOr Microsteemit
Microsteemit is an opensource interface on the steemit blockchain. It is is an application based on wechat which is an interface with the steemit community. Wechat is a social media application just like facebook which you can connect with friends while microsteemit is like esteem. It was built by @cha0s0000. He used the idea of a widely used application which is whatsapp and he created a steemit interface on it
Some Features Of Microsteemit
Microsteemit can be used to log in to ones steemit account.
Post can be sorted by their categories eg trending, hot or new
Navigation can easily be done through usage of tags
Price of sbd and steem can easily be checked
It is convinient to use
Saves stress
It gives you the ability to check basic account informations
Coming Feauture
Ability to carry out basic account informations
Ability to check prices of other coins
Beautifying UI
More details about coins that will be added
This awsome idea led me to creating a pool request for microsteemit which has been merged by the owner. The about us section is a well written section which will make new and old users of microsteemit understamd what it really is and what and how it can be used. The section of over 25 lines is well documented and self explanatory. The link to it will be provided below
Benefits / Improvements
Microsteemit has made it easier for people to access their steemit account without having to download uneccesarry apps. Microsteemit knows that wechat is a widely used app in the world especially among chinese so a built a steemit interface on it. This will amke people to be able to use steemit while on wwchat woithout having to download another app. It has a lot of benefit to users. There have been a lot of improvements on microsteemit. Users can now check the value of their beloved sbd and steem
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