Develpment Of Miui Patch Rom Marshmallow
About Miui
MIUI which stands for Mi User interface & pronounced "Me You I" a play on the common abbreviation of the words user interface as UI, developed by Xiaomi Tech, is a stock & aftermarket firmware for smartphones & tablet computers based on the Google Android operating system. MIUI includes various fratures such as theming support.
What's new in Miui v8 Marshmallow?
The brand new Miui v8 comes with many new features:
- New redesigned colourful UI & fonts, and a new notification shade which comes with weather information,search bar & etc.
- New Miui 8 Gallery, Scanner,Camera, Calculator, Notes & Many more.
The standard "Gallery" application has been changed in Miui v8. Xiaomi has been added more photo editings, such as inscriptions, stickers, & etc - New Miui v8 lock screen wallpaper carousel
In the orignal MIUI, there is such function as a carousel of images for the lockscreen. Its essence is simple the user sees a different wallpaper on lockscreen when it is activated In Miui 8 there is more than 100 wallpapers that u will find. - Spam/Scam message detection
Sometimes you might get annoyed with the unwanted scam calls & messages from your service providers & other sources. In the process of finding a way to get rid of it u might end up with downloading some bloat apps ( 3rd party apps ). This mainly happens because many users are unaware of the fact that Miui does have the inbuilt feature called Miui Blocklist to prevent these type of spam. - System optimized for power saving & app management, so more power & smoother user experience
In terms of performance, the user interface will be fast & reliable, power consumption optimised, very quick responsive, apps managing will become suitable & even more convenient. Extreme smoothness. - Second Space
We all know that we can make several user accounts in our desktop Similarly now u can make same thing in your android phone by using second space. - Dual Apps
Dual apps let you run two instance of an app simultaneously. One of the headlining feature additions in Miui 8 is Dual apps, Which allows you to run two instances of an app at the same time. This feature is good for those who has multiple social media accounts. - And many more ;) ....
Features Added by Me & @nitesh9
- Added Colour Control
- Enabled Colour Enhancement
- Added Live Display
- Enabled screen-off gestures
- Super bright light
- Added LCD Density settings
- Added patched Indian theme manager
- Fine tuned Camera
- Supports NTFS & exFAT file systems
- Supports all custom kernels
- Added Dolby Audio
- Inbuilt Gapps
- Inbuild Root
- Added volte
- Added Sdclang & Linaro for better performance
- Many more.....
How this Rom was developed?
Since this was my first project in development towards opensource community this project has been taken so much time, continous testing everyday, & so much patience & when i finally managed it to boot the main part comes i.e Bug fixing part. And when Rom booted it has every thing broken like Ril, Dialer Fc , Settings Fc , too much lagging & many more . And i finally managed to fix them all :v
For this PatchRom i had taken LineageOs as base Rom Compiled My me with some Extra additions & Modifications like volte,doze, & Some kernel improvements.
Bug Fixing & Reject Fixing Part
As i said earlier Of bugs after Rom booted. My commits that fixed all that issues are as follows:-
Rejects fixing commits -
U will get these rejects when u make first patch
This commit is for fixing reject ResourcesManager.smali & PackageParser.smali. Since In Miui Resources are renamed to MiuiResources -
This commit Fixes Reject of Resources.smali since, util LongSparseArray is not needed in Miui so removing
sget-object v4, Landroid/content/res/Resources;->sPreloadedDrawables:[Landroid/util/LongSparseArray;
iget-object v5, v0, Landroid/content/res/Resources;->mConfiguration:Landroid/content/res/Configuration;
invoke-virtual {v5}, Landroid/content/res/Configuration;->getLayoutDirection()I
move/from16 v1, p2
invoke-virtual {v0, v10, v11, v1}, Landroid/content/res/Resources;->getPreloadedDrawable(JI)Landroid/graphics/drawable/Drawable$ConstantState;
Will fix it -
This Commit Fixes Reject of ActivityStack.smali
Since in Miui There is a different Theme manager so adding a package name for it will fix that. -
This commit fixes Reject of ShutdownThread.smali
invoke-virtual {v2}, Landroid/app/ProgressDialog;->show()V
& adding
sget-boolean v3, Lcom/android/server/power/ShutdownThread;->mReboot:Z
invoke-static {p0, v3}, Lcom/android/server/power/ShutdownThreadInjector;->showShutdownDialog(Landroid/content/Context;Z)V -
This commit fixes Reject WindowManagerService.smali
In Miui the policy PhoneWindowManager is renamed to MiuiPhoneWindowManager
Some of the wrong patches Done by PatchRom source & Some Rebranding
The ActivityManagerService can't handle Extra Configuration Changes For System due to the wrong patch this commit fixes it -
We had used Cyanogen Rom as our base Rom & in Cm Rom it uses cmUser_setup so changing it to user_setup_complete & Renaming cyanogenmod/providers/CMSettings -
The Above commit removes Cm Theme Manager since in Miui we uses MiTheme Manager -
Use as connectivity check server instead of Because it doesn't work on Miui -
In Miui we uses a different Boot message So, By adding Miui Boot message will fix Booting Issues - There are more commits which i can't link but u can find it on my git repo
ROM Information
- ROM OS Version:-6.0.1 Marshmallow (ARM 64)
- ROM Kernel:-Linux 3.10.x
- Rom Thread Links
PatchRom Source-
Huge thanks to LineageOS and MIUI Team.
Special thanks to sir prince Paul, without your help and suggestion this was not possible.
Special thanks to @Nitesh9 for his help and suggestions.
Special thanks to a136fei (from Team XTS)
Special thanks to As007 For Working On Miui kernel
Also special thanks to wuxianlin, linhphi9x94, GuaiYiHu and garyyiu2015 for their awesome work on MIUI Patchrom.
Video Review
Thanks to Rishikesh Samala for this
My developer profiles:
My Github Profile-
Some Screenshots Of The Rom
My proof of work - Here is a screenshot of my logged in session in Github :
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Very cool to see an Android ROM on here.
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That images are removed now :D
I can see the images of MiUI now also, it's better if you can give Image Courtesy
Done :p
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Thanks :v
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