Addition of rewards option and auto upvote button in steemline
We have an important feature missing in steemline.
Since steemline is for posting, commenting also for up voting , then its purely of steemit behaviour.
Let use look at the posting page of the steemline.
You will notice there exist no option for rewards , also you have no option to autoupvote before submit.
How important is this?
Not having a reward option like this below

Makes one to start thinking how the reward will be shared.
steempower , SBD
If those reward options dialogue is not there, will the reward comes inform of Steem only, or SBD only? What of those that do decline payout? .
So at this state the steemline is no longer friendly. As a steemian, we ought to have the full right to chose.
best suggestion
Get the reward option before the send button.
So that immediately after putting tags, one can now choose an option for reward..
So once clicked on on reward div, a dialogue will show, from there one can chose
- Power up 100%
- Default (50%/50%)
- Decline payout
Then from the three (3) options, one can now choose one.
That's having 100% control of Steem reward.
If implemented, will look like..
Isn't the above wonderful?
Once choose, next is on submit button.
Posted on - Rewarding Open Source Contributors
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