Addition of Statistical Performances
Utopian is a nice place to be! Where users have the opportunity to contribute to open source projects.
It is also good to know the performances of a user.
Utopian looks good though, but displaying the activities of users would make it mature and beautiful.
Users will also sit tight to make sure that their performances is quiet positive. And also their existence is all about making the community better than just registering and doing nothing!
Now from the above picture, a user just sees his/her profile details(mainly the display picture).
Adding of some extra,beautiful and yet professional feature, would make Utopian great.
Wondering where am driving at ?
What I mean is that a new feature showing the statistical performances of each user should be introduced. So that each user would be able to see their performance and also can compare theirs with others!
(see photo below)
I have pictured how it'll look like having a statistical performance displayed at users profile and I was able to create a sample of how it would look like.
Now from the above image, we can see that the above user has been able to contribute to the community seven (9) times of which four (4) was Approved and five (5) has been rejected!
Now whenever a user logs on his/her account, the first thing to come to their mind is to check their performance and how they have been able to contribute to the community.
Not only personally but also to view fellow users performances!
With this new feature added to Utopian, users will always find it easier to know their performance on Utopian and how they have contributed to the community.
Users will be able to know the ratio of their approved contributions to their rejected contributions.
Whenever a user logs in, the first question to pop up on their mind is 'How have I contributed to the community? ', or 'is my performance okay? '
With this suggestion, we'll be able to get users to sit tight in contributing positively and also to ensure that their approved contributions, outnumbers their rejected ones..............
I hope this my suggestion is considered and put into use........
Much love
Posted on - Rewarding Open Source Contributors
You're now the boss at this thing. Make i dey learn
Your contribution cannot be approved because it is a duplicate. It is very similar to a contribution that was already accepted here.
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