Translated 1711 words of SuiteCRM Core. English to Indonesian
I just finished my second contribution in translation for SuiteCRM core project, started from 97% to 99% and counted 1.711 words .
Project Details

SuiteCRM is a software fork of the popular customer relationship management (CRM) system from SugarCRM. It became popular when SugarCRM decided to stop development of its open source version.[3] It is a free and open source alternative application based on the last open-source SugarCRM release, and contains many additional enhancements and new modules. It was released on October 21, 2013 as version 7.0, and provides upgrade paths for existing SugarCRM users.
SuiteCRM won the BOSSIE Award 2015 and BOSSIE Award 2016 for the world's best Open Source CRM. Infoworld, the curators of the BOSSIE awards stated that "In little more than a year, SuiteCRM has inspired the community and emerged as a new leader in open source CRM." The award had been won by SugarCRM for the previous 8 years.
SuiteCRM has been downloaded more than 500,000 times since the original release. It has been adopted by NHS (National Health Service) England's Code4Health[4] programme which seeks to foster open source in the NHS in England.
Links related to the translation
Source Language
Translated Language
I translated to Indonesian for this project and it's current status 3.085 words already translated (and 291 words yet to translated).
Number Of Words
I translated a total number of 1.711 words for this project.
- Before
- After
** Some of My Translations**
In order to run the SuiteCRM schedulers, create a batch file to run using Windows Scheduled Tasks. The batch file should include the following commands:
- Untuk menjalakan penjadwalan SuiteCRM, buat berkas tumpak untuk menjalankan menggunakan Jendela Tugas Terjadwal. Berkas tumpak harus mencakup perintah-perintah berikut:
This system does not have the cURL libraries enabled/compiled into the PHP module (--with-curl=/path/to/curl_library). Please contact your administrator to resolve this issue. Without the cURL functionality, the Scheduler cannot thread its jobs.
- Sistem ini tidak memiliki perpustakaan cURL yang aktif/kompil ke modul PHP (--dengan curl=/jalur/ke/perpustakaan_curl). Silahkan hubungi pengelola anda untuk memperbaiki masalah ini. Tanpa fungsionalitas cURL, Penjadwalan tidak bisa mengutas pekerjaan-pekerjaan tersebut.
Due to a possible duplicate detected by SuiteCRM you will have to manually add Security Groups to your newly created record.
- Berdasarkan kemungkinan duplikasi yang terdeteksi oleh SuiteCRM maka kamu harus menambahkan Keamanan Grup secara manual ke rekaman yang baru saja kamu buat.
Set the order this schedule will appear in the Scheduler dropdown lists
- Menetapkan jadwal perintah ini akan tampil di daftar Penjadwalan pilihan menurun
Proofread Words
Still waiting for the project manager to proofread my translations as I sent the message to him to check my work
Previous translation on the same project
I translated a total number of 1.374 words for my previous project.
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Thank you for the contribution. It has been approved.
PS1: Would be better if you explain what files are being translated since the report's pictures is too general and only show your global activity on the projects.
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Thank for ur approval @iqbaladan!
U meant the string, right?? I missed it :)
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