10 unMEAN sTWEETs Tackling The Subject: Is There Any Real Relationship Between Food And Depression/Stress/Anxiety/Insomnia?

Lately, we have talked about depression, anxiety and stress alot. We also tackled sleep! Hahaha, these are very important topics and are topics that relate to life outside steemit and even to us as steemians in our steemit journey. One thing to notice though, that we tend to forget often, is that, these things are all tied together. 

The analogy is simple: 

If you lose out on sleep today and tomorrow and for the next one month etc, the deficit accumulates and then you end up doing one whole day of sleep and feel you are healed but that was never the case. The deficits stayed! 
Then our stress never really left and our moods start to deteriorate till anxiety and depressions sets in. The thing is the body knows how to adapt and suddenly abnormal things start to become normal, till it becomes so normal.

 Yes, these topics are all tied and that is why we discussed them separately first, using the experienced comments of steemians. There is another subject however, that is also tied to depression, anxiety, stress and insomnia and it is food! Hahaha, we eat everyday but are conscious in how we eat?

Do we look consciously look to our diet as one viable means to fix health ailment? Well, the true answer is "No"! 

It is easy to forget how much impact food has especially on our mental and emotional health, that we look on to food instead, more for physical health and energy! 

So, are there foods that can help reduce depression, repairs our moods, heal our stress and fix our sleep?

Is it very easy to maintain these forms of diets? Are these sort of diets expensive? Are these forms of diet very delicious or do they require some tongue-self-sacrifice to maintain?

Why aren't people sticking to this diets; is it hard to?

Well, Steemians always have unmean ways to answer these questions and today we cover:

10 unMEAN sTWEETs Tackling The Subject: Is There Any Real Relationship Between Food And Depression/Stress/Anxiety/Insomnia?

1. Have You Ever Thought Of A Dietitian; Is It Important; Is It Expensive?

 @hms818 talks diets:

Healthy foods can prevent and cure many diseases, one must never compromise on consulting a dietitian, even though they are expensive, because good health is actual wealth. 

2. Could Cost Be One Reason That We Don't Stick To A Diet? 

@sevinwilson has some experience with this:

I think the increased cost of the food to eat healthy plays a significant role in many people's decision. So many people live paycheck to paycheck and cannot afford (or think they cannot afford) to eat healthy.

3. Can Good Diet Actually Be Cheap? 

@mk40 left us ideas:

When looking at healthy foods, the cost goes down dramatically if the person is cooking and preparing the food themselves. One of the big barriers i see is not enough people know how to cook for themselves, if we can teach them to cook costs would be significantly reduced. That is the case in terms of food cost in my area.

4. Should You Shed Off The Junk Food? 

@freedomnation had this to say:

Clinical depression (not a teenage one) is highly related to genetics and chemical disorders inside the individuals central nervous system. It is treated with SSRI's and other anti-depressants. I don't know if a diet could help long-term but throwing junk food helps even if you don't have a depression.

5. Is The Anything Like Brain Food? 

@gringalicious definitely has experience when it comes to food:

There is a reason there are terms like "soul food," and "brain food." I can totally see how there is a direct link between diet and depression. And I was just discussing with a friend yesterday about the extra expenses of buying healthier food. That is a definite factor of people's diet and, therefore, health.

6. Is Eating Healthy During Depression That Easy? 


Eating healthier should help but when your depressed its about making the right choices; when I am slipping I either don't eat or eat crap. The bed is where I stay; food is the last thing I think of, its hard enough getting up to use the toilet.

7. Must Good Food Taste Good?


But many people give more importance for the taste than the nutritive value of food.

8. Have You Heard Of Vitamin B3 Niacin?

@roused stated the experience of his close friend:

Good nutrition, physical activity, and fresh air are essential to optimal health. A close friend has been fighting depression for years with varying degrees of success, but recently she mentioned she has finally found something that worked for her: Vitamin B3 Niacin. For anyone struggling with depression it might be worth investigating. 
Naturally you should seek competent medical advice before trying niacin. On drugs.com it has a 9.7 out of 10 rating by those who have taken it for depression. Here's one of the comments: "2 years ago my step daughter was diagnosed with severe anxiety and depression. She couldn't go to school, she was suicidal and completely dysfunctional. She has been on Zoloft since then. We decided with diet and exercise to spend 6 months weening her off the pills which was hard. I read about Niacin and we came off of Zoloft and immediately into this. 3 pills a day, which would make 1500MG. The flushing subsided very fast for her. On day 3 she went for a run, voluntarily. On day 4 she said she would join soccer. 3 weeks in she was better than ever before. I thought, its a fluke and when her pills ran out I accidentally bought flush free Niacin. It took one day to bring her down. Niacin works, she said it lifted the fog. Banannine April 28, 2017"from:
https://www.drugs.com/comments/niacin/for-depression.html also see:

9. What Really Is "Power Of Food"?

 @log1c had this to say:

The power of food is so massively underestimated. The fact is we only use our minds in the way we have been taught. There is so much of the mind that we do not understand, food is an indirect and a direct way to nourish our souls.

10. How Much Water Do You Have In Your Meals?

 @kschanaman has the most touching experience in this comment:

My doctor told me when I had (yes, past tense) stage two kidney dysfunction, that I should prepare myself for dialysis in the future since kidneys don't heal.I did a three week Water-Only fast (no food, only water) followed by a raw vegan diet for six months following. At my next full physical, kidney dysfunction was gone, blood pressure was actually slightly below normal (115/76), put my glasses in storage since vision restored to 20/20, cholesterol became normal, and went from 248 pounds to 196 pounds. My weight stayed around 196-198 with the raw vegan diet and exercise routine.I am a living testament that diet, along with exercise and periodic fasting, heals.


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Disclaimer: This post is very resteemable!  

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Im a huge believer in a healthy diet. I would say that it's now universally accepted that vitamins, minerals and the live enzymes in healthy foods (like fruits and vegetables) are great for the human body and mind. And yet relatively few people put any effort into ensuring that they get enough of those easily attainable and crucial elements in their daily diet. Food is either your life affirming medicine or your life sucking poison. We make that choice at every meal.

Yes seriously wonder why it is hard but it is indeed hard to stick to eating right!

I understand that it's difficult. We all get those great tasting donuts, cookies, etc. presented to us everywhere. And I'm not immune to enjoying them now and then. But its the exception and not the rule. I see so many people who eat this garbage on a daily basis. Its a change of thinking that is required. Difficult? Absolutely. But its a habit thats worth the effort. And it starts with removing the emotional attachment to this unhealthy stuff. Thanks everyone for letting me rant. I dont do it in person because I respect everyone's right to choose their lifestyle, diet and every other personal freedom that I enjoy myself. Steem on, all!!!!!

So basically, "don't be too much of an emotional eater, for health is wealth!

nice to see all those opinions in one post,
it is really helpful for everyone,
always love your work,
keep it up :)

Most definitely and you can always find new steemians to follow!

thank you so much,
i am kind of lacking sleeps these days,
and I really need some suggestion so as to sleep better !

There are some suggestions in our last set of posts! Sleep is not something you want to lose!

yep! thank you so much,
I checked them and got some really good suggestions I can follow along,
at least I am dogged now to follow strict sleep schedules and discipline to maintain it for a while because eventually I will get used to it, and this is what I have learned :)

This is an amazing edition. May I ask how can I take part and participate in 10 unmean stweets ? (Like get featured in the main article)
I love the support you gave me last time and it touched me <3
It would mean a lot if you can support one of my new articles as I am making a series.
Cheers and much love

Possibly, we will look into that. You can join our discord! Then say hello in the "hello" channel! If you have the same username as steemit on the discord server, it will be easy to find you!

Absolutely :) Thanks for the info.

The heavier foods we eat the harder it is for us to function. It makes our body divert energy to the immune system and the digestive system, therefore we lose vital energy that can be transmuted into happiness.
Not to say that all of our organs are interconnected to our mental and emotional states ( representing different chakras ).
Regarding sleep the more energy we waste the more sleepy we get and the more high energy food we intake like energy bars and drinks can lead us to insomnia :)
Cheers !

Your comment is filled with so so so much knowledge especially the part about heavy foods in relation to happiness! Stay awesome! Are you on steemit.chat? What is your username on there?

I had no idea steemit had a chat room :D
Just registred with the username vangelov
Thank you so much for informing me ^^

Thank you for the love! It feels great to inspire others; no doubt!

Great post, thanks! That food that is delicious is not always useful. And the one that is useful is not always tasty. In this case, you have to make a choice, I think it's better to choose a healthy food that gives energy and a cheerful state.

Hahaha, so true. Sometimes i wonder how vegetarians cope up but perhaps, there is some real tastey vegetarian dishes too. Thanks for joining! Stay AWESOME!

Salads stomach can not be fooled)) I still want meat and pizza, that's okay and ate and enjoyed and energy =))

I have a lot of time to work on a laptop, and when I do not sleep for a long time, I feel tired and overwhelmed. Sleep is simply necessary for our body. And the food should be first and foremost useful, saturated with vitamins and beneficial microelements. Good sleep + healthy food, a pledge of health and good mood.

Your comments are always sweet. Sleep/health/wealth/food are all related!

It's just that life is made, and these are all components of life. If something is missing, an imbalance occurs.

I eat clean and food is an important part of my day, by this I mean I actually schedule time for food prep and cooking. I think anger comes out in people when they are hungry. Especially men. I also think that some people feel, that if you are hungry, you might just be thirsty so they drink the water or beverage which makes them feel fuller and bypass the good nutrients that food has to offer. Just my thoughts. Thanks for sharing

Your thoughts are a beauty! "A hungryman is an angryman is no joke!

I'm a huge health-food advocate. Though we have never struggled with depression, anxiety, or problematic levels of stress, it helped my husband to go control Multiple Sclerosis and kiss his stick making weekly meds goodbye! Thanks for sharing the thoughts of these wonderful people! Great and interesting read!

Oh great! You must have a nutritionist! Glad about your husband!

Hehe... I'm the nutritionist lol! Have a great and healthy week!

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