RE: I forgive you, I forgive me.
It is a balancing act, and an act of perception to perceive violence but not engage in violence yourself. A worthwhile act, too. A challenge.
Honeslty, I do not always succeed, sometimes emotions really are strong. I find it hard to distinguish between my real strong emotions and what I am doing to make others feel guilty too. Sometimes that confuses me, am I feeling this in an attempt to get my way or are my emotions just really strong? I think it will take practice to figure that out.
I am also terribly nieve a lot of the time and dont see the violent acts, or at least dont understand how people do them! I am like, how can you be so selfish or mean or inconsiderate? I honestly don't get it. I may be selfish sometimes but in no way do I try to manipulate people or hurt them with forethought or outright. I have had people be very rude to me, and I still dont get it.
It is a hard, and lame lesson to learn that some people are just mean. I enjoy peace of mind and peace at heart, and so that is how I act. Its nearly mind blowing to realize that is not common sense, and also to realize that I may indeed participate in covert violence as well.
I am excited that I am slowly coming to realize how to deal with this stuff, and recognize it. I appreciate the insights! It gives me a lot to think about and work on.
I'm glad you find value in the sharing. When I was your age I was very naive as well. If I told you some of the stories from when I was in school, you would most likely laugh out of disbelief and discomfort. I've found that this is a life long journey. So settle in for the long haul! <3 I'm glad that you are asking lots of questions and working through those topics. That shows a great deal of mental, emotional and spiritual maturity.
There is joy and value in being honest and open, I think that is why I find it not too hard to check myself before i wreck myself... most of the time haha. I think that I am on tree-time, I like long term journies. Than you for sharing your insights, bringing light to these issues and for being such an inspiration!