How-To Get Your Seat at the Table: Part 2, Do A Favor
A few years back I organized a panel discussion giving career advice to professionals. It took place at Microsoft. The participants included executives from Microsoft, Pepsi, Huffington Post, UWG. The audience was full of millennials anywhere from 2 - 5 years into their career. Great audience, great panel, it was an amazing event. Immediate feedback was wonderful and continued to come in weeks after the event. One audience participant, actually approached me to let me know he followed the advice of the panel - on how to get noticed - the result was he'd gotten a promotion and a raise.
His question was perfect opening to understand some of the dilemma employees face when they are trying to get ahead. To "get a seat at the table" you either need a manager that is well connected and willing to advocate for your work/name in front of the right executives, or make your own connections. To get noticed, you need others outside of your immediate team to know who you are, your skills, your work ethic, and your ability to deliver on a project.
How do you do that? DO A FAVOR!
First, do your research. Figure out which team you can be the most helpful to, fits your career goals, and you can honestly commit to doing a good job.
Next, approach the manager. Casually or formally. Ask them questions about the work, team and themselves. Tell them why you reached out, about your interests, and offer to help should the need arise.
And, pay attention. When the time comes and you notice they are busy, offer a helping hand.
Sometimes the simplest task can be the most helpful favor. In a work setting running an excel spreadsheet, answering a call, setting up a meeting. Or more complexity could be needed, like doing research. Anything that gives support and relief is a great favor.
Keep in mind, a Favor is not a Habit, it is an Act of Giving. A Favor has characteristics - it has a timeframe, it relieves the receiver of the favor, it is offered as well as asked for, it promotes good will, it is a reminder of the value of the person giving the favor.
Doing a Favor is your chance to show your stuff, make sure to commit to what you can do and do beautifully, in a reasonable (or short) amount of time and error free. The point is to create an impact quickly and efficiently.
What do you suggest is a great way to do a favor? Let us know in the comments below.