The Lati Duckling I Bought Yesterday
Hi everyone.
How are you today, I hope all are well and your activities are running smoothly. Today I will tell you about the lati ducklings that I bought yesterday from my friend who lives in Lagang village. She has a lot of lati ducklings at home, because she has many parents. So one parent can produce 10 ducklings when they hatch. So that's why she wants to sell them to me. I have some pictures of lati ducklings that I took at my friend's house when I bought the lati ducklings yesterday. And this is the picture of the lati ducklings that I will buy.

I only bought 10 of them, one lati duckling costs 10 thousand rupiah. So because I bought 10, it means I have to pay 100 thousand rupiah. The lati ducklings all look healthy, I am very happy because I already have lati ducklings. Because where I live, lati ducks are very rare, because no one keeps them anymore. And I am determined to develop the ducklings that I bought until they become very numerous. And I will not sell them if I do not need money. But if I am in trouble needing money, then I am forced to sell them. Thank you friends for your support and attention.