Chornobyl & Prypiat (50 photos)

in Ukraine on Steem3 months ago (edited)

city of Prypiat, monument built: 1970

Two cities: Chornobyl & Prypiat (and many more small towns and villages around) are like horror spots on the Ukraine map.

If you haven't heard about Chornobyl, you are the lucky one. Briefly speaking, it's an area in Kyiv Oblast, Ukraine. It is partially abandoned area which is called the Chornobyl Exclusion Zone (or just the Zone). It's abandoned because of a nuclear reactor disaster, which has happened April, 26th, 1986.

Worldwide you can see the name of the city written as "Chernobyl", (not Chornobyl), but it's terribly wrong. Writing it with "e" instead of "o" means you support the russian spelling, not Ukrainian. Which means you claim there's no difference between my country and that mordor.

Of course, I am aware that HBO have produced mini series called "Chernobyl" (I even watched it last September). But it doesn't change anything: if you support Ukraine, write "Chornobyl", please).

If you wanna know more about the series, visit fresh @kiwiscanfly's post.


So. I've been to Chornobyl and Prypiat twice: in June, 2016, and in October, 2018. This post reflects my excursion in 2016. All photos are taken with Nokia Lumia 1020 smartphone.

city of Chornobyl

The tables with the names of villages and small towns that had disappeared after explosion


Why has this disaster even happened? Sources say that it's all because of unsanctioned experiments on the reactor. Few plant operators decided to challenge the capacity of the reactor and did all improperly. The result is terrifying.


April 26, 2024 was marked the 38th anniversary of the Chornobyl nuclear disaster that divided our lives into "before" and "after". And the name of a little Ukrainian town became synonymous with a global tragedy. But now, in 2024, we are not sure what's worse: Chornobyl or today's full scale war started by russia in Ukraine. But ok, ok, we don't talk about the war today...

We have not overcome the consequences of the Chornobyl tragedy yet. It has forever changed the lives of hundreds of thousands of people and for hundreds of years has made more than 2,500 square kilometers of our state's territory uninhabitable. This catastrophe was the largest in the history of nuclear energy in terms of the number of people killed and affected by its consequences and in terms of economic damage.

"ARC" radar station in the Zone. Also known as "The Woodpecker" or "The Hidden Moscow's Eye"



The radioactive cloud formed after the explosion covered not only Ukraine, belarus and russia, which are located near the Chornobyl, but also part of Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, Greece, Romania, Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia, Finland, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Austria, Czechoslovakia, the Netherlands, Belgium, Poland, Switzerland, Germany, Italy, Ireland, France (including Corsica), Britain and not only...

The fire at the exploded reactor lasted for 10 days. Graphite finally stopped burning only on May, 10th. So, again: watch the HBO series about this.



You'll ask: how many victims? Thirty nuclear station employees have died in an explosion or radiation sickness within months of the accident. And 8.5 million people in Ukraine, belarus and russia received significant doses of radiation in the days following the accident. A great part of them also died pretty fast.

I was walking around the abandoned buildings of Chornobyl and Prypiat with a small group of people. All you see on the photos is a mixture of real atmosphere and artificial entourage. Why entourage? I think, guides wanted to make their excursions more interesting, so they put some atmospheric scenery around. For example, these doll's parts below...






Most of furniture and other stuff from buildings have disappeared. Sad but true: all was sold by vandals and looters.


This graffiti below is also just an entourage, it was drawn by a modern artist as a memory of doctors who were saving lives after disaster.



And this is the fourth power unit which actually exploded (I look straightly at it)


A special sarcophagus has covered the fourth reactor same year, in November. But on this photo you can still see it uncovered.

And photo below is one of most amazing: giant catfish Prypiat river.











ЧАЕС — Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant


Ferris wheel is one of the symbols of Prypiat city







In the center: Mumu (Russian: «Муму»), short story by Ivan Turgenev

The next 2 photos below were taken from the roof of the nine-story building.



The nature of abandoned Zone is amazing... Without human's influence flora and fauna have become... prosperous! Green grass, clear air, blue water (for sure, it's radioactive but seems so pure).


Many species of plants, animals and fish have revived in this area. Especially there's a paradise for ornithologists in the Zone.



So, in this publication I showed you both sides: the horror and the beauty. And the beauty always wins after all...

 3 months ago 

Нажаль так і не зібралася поїхати

 3 months ago 

Усе попереду! Рекомендую підписатися на команду:

Вони мали б поновити свої крутезні тури після війни...

 3 months ago 

Ага, дякушки, підпишуся

 3 months ago 

Боляче дивитись на цей загублений світ всередині нашої країни. Особливо, з урахуванням на великі шанси отримати найближчим часом / чи в найближчі роки нові подібні куточки або через штучно спровоковану орками катастрофу на іншій АЕС, або й через прямі ядерні удари.
Страху смерті давно немає. Єдине, що мене не полишає, так це недоуміння з приводу того, навіщо все це безумство, навіщо цілим країнам або й цілим епохам людства потрібен шлях, який веде внікуди.

 3 months ago 

В мене теж зараз зник страх смерті якось. Від ядерки особливо. Сама в шоці.
Нерозуміння зашкалює, люди такі тупі... Мені аж не хочеться бути одного виду з тими мавпами, що запускають по нас орєшнікі-хуєшнікі. Можна якось змінити вид з людини на якусь там марсіанку?... Ех.

 3 months ago 

Це в честь виходу другого "Сталкера", який поклав Інтернет в цілій Україні?)) Це було до війни, здається я пригадую, що ви про це розповідали? Дуже гарні фото, якісь ... оптимістичні чи що, життєрадісні. Мабуть через пору року, коли все таке зелене, що демонструє, що життя завжди подолає смерть. Але можливо воно буде вже без людей...

 3 months ago 

Я побачила пост kiwiscanfly в нашій спільноті, і хотіла кинути йому лінк на цей пост, бо я робила вже схожий. Але не знайшла того поста(((( Зате знайшла гугл док, де прямо кодом весь той пост зберегла в 2021 році. Зараз трохи доповнила, освіжила, і хай буде: періодично може бути корисним (посилатися на нього при тому чи іншому обговоренні).

Those are in incredible pictures you have taken of Chornobyl and the surrounding areas.

Thanks for the heads up about the correct spelling and i will advise others if i see them spelling it incorrectly.

I would like to visit your country one day and go on tour like you have done a couple of times.

thanks again

 3 months ago 

Thanks so much! You know, if this fucking war ends, and you really wanna come visit Chornobyl and other Ukraine's places, I will be your guide. And I'll help you with everything like accommodation and else. Just write me🤝
My telegram: @julierolf

Sounds good i hope it can happen one day :)

 3 months ago 

Після перегляду світлин найбільше врізається в памʼять колесо і книга «Муму»…
Мабуть тому, що мовчить тепер Припʼять.

 3 months ago 

І мені також!

 3 months ago 

Жуть. Шкода що тоді така аварія трапилася

 3 months ago 

Та шкода, що і зараз стільки біди...

 3 months ago (edited)

Шкода що життя припинилось цього міста

 3 months ago 

В СРСР були шибко вумні люди, зналися на трагедіях...

Upvoted! Thank you for supporting witness @jswit.

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