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RE: StormCloudsGathering: President Trump - The Trap is Set

in #trump8 years ago (edited)

Another good film (probably) that will change shit. As usual.

Also, nature (AKA Mother Nature) has officially become the number one enemy and terrorist of U.S.
Total war against nature and the Earth has started.

"All References to Climate Change Have Been Deleted From the White House Website"


That's a pretty sweet trailer. Looking forward to it.

Also, what's up with Joseph and fat cats eating shellfish? First it was prawns, now it's crab legs? Heheh.

Yeah the website changes are sad, but not surprising. He doesn't believe climate change is a thing, or at least, he's pretending not to believe in order to stay buddy/buddy with the corporations who will lose money because of it.

Total war might be a bit much, but if solar energy keeps getting cheaper and decentralized through Tesla's power wall and Solar City's panels, we might have a chance to say, "No thank you, government back energy corporation, we'll vote with our $$$ elsewhere."

One can hope.

Yeah, I know! I thought the same thing! The scene repeating in many of his films.
Or stuffing his face with burgers in half of Culture in Decline series!

Trump as most of Republicans sleeps with oil industry and is lobbied by oil industry. Most of republicans come from states with history of fossil fuel industry power and control (Texas, New Mexico, California etc).
The same think tanks that used to work for tobacco companies denying dangers of smoking, decades ago, have been working with oil industry to spread anti-climate change propaganda.

"Merchants of Doubt Official Trailer" (If you have not seen it yet).

About Tesla. That;s cool that he is working on new technologies and projects revolving around solar power but I would nto rely on him like some sort of savior. Solar power is just one of many alternatie sources of clean energy (others being tidal, wind, sustainable hydroelectirc, geothermal etc.). Also there are many highly advanced renewable technologies that have been worked on that are not based on solar energy.
The renewables technology getting cheaper is not going to sovle the problem if the government is paid and controlled by fossil fuel industry - they will simply just change laws and policies to supress such cheeap technology, so such development really does fuck-all if there is not governmental policy backing it up. Even if someone who wants to go off grid on solar power can be prosecuted by simple legal change.
Spain for example - fossil fuel industry lobbied the government so now you have to pay to be allowed to user solar panels. Renewable companies do not have trillion dollar purchasing power to be able to compete in lobbying with such corporations, even if they got together and tried.

So we're back to government is the problem. Gotcha. :)

I've seen that trailer before... I wonder if I've seen the full thing. I'll have to check it out, thanks.

Sad to hear what Spain is doing. The more people we get together to resist (including and especially "law enforcement") the more chance we have to live in a way that actually does increase wellbeing.

Resistance is the key, I agree. By resistance I mean serious liestyle changes, not taking a stupid banner to go for some pointless protest (later to be typically pacified with police batons) in order to get sense of meaningless life style achievement - "oh look at me I'm sooo connected with other rebels. We go and protest together. Look at us, we are so powerful and unite! I have done my part!.
I stopped going to protests and demos years ago. They achieve fuck all. It's always the same story. People go for a day or 2 to protest, later often trashed by police, then thy go back to their system supporting obedient lifestyle of free-range slaves. Non of the protests have achieved anything.
Politicians and corporations just look at those protesters with pity, laughing - "let them protest a bit so they feel like there is so-called democracy and that they have some power, before we set police at them".
There have been so many protests for decades, many consisting of hundreds of thousands of people (like massive protests in UK against joining war in Middle East or against cuts etc). Non of these protests had any effect. Those in power do whatever the fuck they want anyway.
For resistance to have effect at least half of the adult population should refuse to be part of the system. When they refuse to go to work. When factories, hospitals, power lines, communication, sewage stop working etc, then it will directly effect those in power. Then they will start to seriously consider the protest. They cannot prosecute someone for not working or force someone to work when majority of their employees refuse to do so....
This is the only effective protest I can imagine - we want to change the system then were have to collectively refuse to support it.
The thing is that it will not happen as majority of people do not actually even understand the root causes of our systemic disorders - they think it is something related to so-called democratic governance. Democracy is a bullshit sale word, realistic democracy has never existed. Even in ancient Greece it was never truly achieved.
They just repeat like robots "Democracy this, democracy that" without having any fucking clue what they are talking about.
(as an example, technologically unemployed factory workers protesting to have the right to employment - basically protesting to have the right to be a slave. Well they don't have to worry. No one is going to take this right away from them regardless of lack of job vacancies.).

I recommend the documentary. It's great.

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