Tutorial Archive || Blockchain, Tron, Steem, Crypto, DApp, Trading, DeFi, Smart Contract and General Topics

in Tron Fan Club3 years ago (edited)


Tron Fan Club community is a specialized community where specific topics are allowed to write. Since it is a specialized community, users have to gain a lot of knowledge here. I am writing some regular tutorials in the community to make things easier for common users who have little idea about cryptocurrency, blockchain, and trading. I believe newcomers can get a good idea about any particular blockchain-related content.

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I shall pin this tutorial archive in the community and keep updating new posts related to it so that new users (and those who need it) can easily find my tutorials. Hopefully, through this tutorial archive, anyone can get some basic idea about Tron and other blockchains. You can easily learn about any subject you like from the list of tutorials in the archive. This initiative is for the benefit of general users. I hope, many will find it useful for them.
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Tron Tutorials
Topic (Basics of Tron Blockchain and Mining System)
01How Steemit users are getting TRX airdrop
02How to create TRON account
03How to link your existing TRON account with steemit
04Mining system of TRON blockchain
05Reward Distribution system of TRON blockchain Minning
Topic (TronLink Wallet, Tron Staking and Voting to SR)
06About TRONLINK web wallet
07How to link Tron account with TRONLINK web wallet
08How to Stake TRON (TRX)
09How to vote to Super Representatives with your Staked TRX
10How to claim your TRX Reward for voting to SRs
Topic (Bandwidth, Energy and Transection without Fee)
11What is Tron Power, Bandwidth, and Energy
12How to Obtain Tron Power, Bandwidth, and Energy
13Calculation Related to Bandwidth and Energy
14Example of TRX Transfer without Fee in Tron Network
15Example of USDT Transfer without Fee in Tron Network
Topic (Tronscan)
16What is TRONSCAN
17How to connect Tronlink with TRONSCAN
18How to find block number & transection hash of a transection
19How to find block & Lifetime data of TRON transections
20How to open a TRON account without using Steemit
Topic (Activity with Tronscan)
21Tronscan Interface
22Information by searching with account address
23Tronscan searching with Txn hash, block and token
24Transferring and Receiving with TronScan
25Wallet, Resources and Asset Features of Tronscan
Topic (Why Tron is the Best)
261st Reason (Delegated PoS mechanism)
27Why Tron is the Best : 2nd Reason (Transection Speed)
28Why Tron is the Best : 3rd Reason (Tron Token Circulation)
29Why Tron is the Best : 4th Reason (Tron Transection Speed)
30Why Tron is the Best : 5th Reason (Decentralized and Public Nature)
Topic (TRC Token)
31TRC Token: What is TRC Token and their types
32TRC Token: TRC-10 tokens
33TRC Token: TRC-20 tokens
34TRC Token: TRC-721 tokens
35Differences among TRC-10, TRC-20 and TRC-721
Topic (TronDAO)
36TronDAO: Introduction to TronDAO
37TronDAO: Set Up DAPP Environment in TronDAO
38TronDAO: DApp Interface Building in TronDAO

Steem Tutorials
Topic (Preliminary Idea on Steemit)
01Preliminary idea on Steem Blockhchain
02How to Check Block info of Steem
03How to Open a Steem Account
04Communities in Steemit
05Discord Server of the Communities in Steemit
Topic (Account Security)
06Account Security and its importancec
07Account Keys
08Master Password
09Key and Password Management
10Some Guidelines on Security Issues
Topic (Markdown Styling)
11Markdown Styling (1-7)
12Markdown Styling (8-12)
13Markdown Styling (13-17)
14Markdown Styling (18-23)
15Markdown Styling (24-30)
Topic (Reputation in Steemit)
16Reputation, Increase and Decrease of Reputation
17Factors that affect Reputation
18Calculation of Reputation
19Meaning of Reputation Difference
20Five Suggestions to Increase Reputation
Topic (Voting Power)
21What is Voting Power
22Calculation of Voting Power
23Positive and Negative Sides of Voting Power
24Three websites to check Voting Power
25Final Guidelines on Voting Power
Topic (Reward Distribution)
26What is Author and Curation Reward
27Author Reward Calculation
28Curation Reward Calculation
29Example of Author and Curation Reward Calculation
30Benefits of Early Voting
Topic (Abusing Steemit)

Blockchain Tutorials
01The prime reason behind the popularity of Blockchain
02Basic of Blockchain and Mining
03Types of Mining in Blockchain
04Blockhchian is Boundaryless system
05Relation between Crypto and Blockchain

Trading & Finance Tutorials
Trading and Finance
01Introduction and Preliminary idea on Trading
02Idea on Finance, Trading and Exchange
03Problem with the fund management in Centralized Exchange
04Another Problem with CEX
05Some indications to the problem with CEX
06What is CEX
07What is DEX
08Features & Examples of CEX
09Features & Examples of DEX
10Five Differences between CEX and DEX
Token and Coin
11What is Token
12What is Coin
13What is Crypto
14What is Money
15Differences between Coin and Token
Fractional Reserve Banking
16Solution to Fractional Reserve Banking Problem with Cryptos-1
17Solution to Fractional Reserve Banking Problem with Cryptos-2
18Solution to Fractional Reserve Banking Problem with Cryptos-3
19Solution to Fractional Reserve Banking Problem with Cryptos-4
20Solution to Fractional Reserve Banking Problem with Cryptos-5
Trading and Finance Terminology
21Trading and Finance Terminology : A (1-18)
22Trading and Finance Terminology: B (19-40)
23Trading and Finance Terminology: C (41-70)
24Trading and Finance Terminology: D (71-95)

DApp Tutorials
01Difference between App and DApp

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