SEC-S14W5 | My Biggest Travel in 2023 *Job Hunting*

in Traveling Steemlast year

My Biggest Travel in 2023?


Image by on Freepik


Good day to you, I welcome you to my page.

Here I'm going to be discussing about the My Biggest Travel in 2023.

I talk about my traveling experiences in 2023. I gave some insights about it. I also spoke about where I would like to travel to in 2024.

As you go through the write-up, I hope it will be worth your while.

Where you went during the year of 2023? What activities were carried out?


I didn't really travel much in 2023.

I only moved around two locations. I move from where I was in Akwa Ibom to Lagos where I was given a job.

So I had to leave my place to lagos to secure the job and begin working there.

Since I started working there, I haven't traveled to any other place. I just go to work and go back home.

However, that changed this year when I traveled.

I traveled out of Lagos back to Akwa Ibom to visit my family for one week.

After staying in Lagos for a very long time, I felt it was time to give my family a visit.

So I took that journey from Lagos to Akwa Ibom.


And to be fair, it was a wonderful experience. The trip was worth it.

After not seeing my family for a while and missing them. Going back to visit them was incredible.

Any anecdote that makes this trip so unique to be considered the best one of '23? Did you experienced this alone or with somebody else?

No anecdote was there to make the trip so unique or for it to be considered the best.

There was nothing fantastic about the travel as it was the same method I had used when I was moving from Akwa Ibom to lagos.

It was still the same method I used as I went back to visit my parents.

The journey was still the same. Nothing really salient about it. Not much thrills and frills about the journey.

It was just the usual.

The only thing that changed was my emotions when I finally got home and met my family.

That was a very happy moment.

I traveled by myself. It obviously was a personal journey I had to embark on.

I didn't need to do it with another person. It was just only me.

Have you planned a budget for it? How much you spent during the trip?

I didn't particularly plan a budget for the trip.

It was something I just did a little impromptu or rather spontaneously.

The only thing I calculated was the transport money to and fro, plus some extra toppings for the trip eventualities.

There was nothing really to budget or to think about spending because it wasn't something official or formal.

It was just a trip to visit my family and some friends.

Asides from the transportation amount to and fro, and the extra toppings, the amount spent wasn't something noteworthy to put in mind.

It was just a nice trip that I embarked on personally to visit my family and friends.

Are you thinking about to make an amazing travel in 2024? Which would be the selected place?

No! am not thinking about making an amazing travel on the year 2024.

The only thing I can think of for the year 2024 is to get to work, do my duties at work and get back home.

As it stands, I don't have the luxury of traveling to any place.

Therefore, there's no place on my mind for me to even consider traveling to.

However, if I ever get the chance to go on a trip, then it's naturally to go visit my family in Akwa Ibom.

That is the only place I can travel to or I can think of traveling to, if I ever get the chance to.

 last year 

Hello traveler! 👋🏼

Thanks for sharing your post in the TS Community. Here you are the feedback and evaluation results:

I really feel that we all travel in some way no matter if this was the specific purpose but for other reasons like job and more. At least you have the opportunity to be in Lagos during the 2023 and that's enough to share with others.

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Curated by @alegnita

 last year 

First of all congratulations 🎊 👏 on your new job, you left your hometown to lagos because you were given a job and you had good times there.
It's been long since you visited your family and you took responsibility of visiting them wiich is very good, as family is everything ❤️.

You had a wonderful time seeing your parents after a long period of time, it was a joyful event for you because staying for a long time without seeing your family is not easy.
The joy you felt was unexplainable and i pray you achieve your goal as you enter 2024.

Wishing you the best my brother do have a nice day 😊

 last year 

Greetings to You brother. Your trip is very amazing .Traveling with family is always memorable.Best of luck for contest 👍

 last year 

Thank you brother man

 last year 

Mention not brother, its my pleasure 🌻

 last year 

Saludos amigo

Sin duda valió la pena ajustar la agenda de trabajo y llegara hasta Akwa Ibom y para tiempo con su familia no tiene precio.
Imagino tu emoción después de tanto tiempo.

Recuerde que en esta vida no es todo trabajar Aunque es necesario para obtener el dinero para nuestros gastos básicos y el sustento también debemos planificar momentos de esparcimiento para distraernos y salir de la rutina y el estrés.

Te deseo mucho éxito, hasta la próxima 👋

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