World of cuisine / Magyarország / Villány , Halasi Pince
Wonderful Hungary. If we can do it all the way around. One of the best restaurants in Villány wine region in Villány, Halasi Cellar. It's like he's been here from old times, but he was only five years old. It is also a hotel, but its restaurant is world-renowned. Their wines are delicious and their cuisine is very delicious. Visit here if you are in Hungary ...
Csodaszép Magyarország. Ha tehetjük kirándulunk mindenfelé. A Villányi borvidék egyik legjobb étterme Villányban , a Halasi Pince. Olyan mintha a régi időkből maradt volna itt, pedig csak öt éve épült. Hotelként is üzemel, de világhírű az étterme. Finomak a borai és nagyon finom a konyhájuk. Látogassatok el ide ha Magyarországon jártok...
Wow! Fabulous! Its a great place indeed. Very beautiful pictures.
Looks like an awesome place.. The food looks delicious too..
These ancient looking (traditional) places I just love! Please post more - I plan to come again to Hungary this summer - so I'm just taking notes now :) :)